Pages: 1234567891011..11

  2007-05-26 20:51:58

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

@frolick if u want to use media use scrapbook_1_8 this is the code: [quote]//whahahahahaha function maine() { var tame = window.parent.document.getElementById('scrapbook_1_8 ').innerHTML; var mhen = "<DIV id='fadeinbox'><br /><div align='right'><a href='#' onClick='hidefadebox();return false'><img src='x.gif' border='0' width='15' height='15'></a><br /></div><br><br /><div align='justify'><div align='center'>CONTENTS</div></div><br><br /></DIV>"; window.parent.document.getElementById('scrapbook_1_8').innerHTML = mhen; } document.write('<body onload="maine()">') ;[/quote] @++ ameonna ++ yeng is right read the tutorials so ull know, anyways if u ant still make it just PM me =)

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