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irr's mine ::
Date: Friday, 28 March, 2008 10:08 AM
Subject: i have 588 crushes!!
Message: hey! gotcha! i really don't have 588
boyfriends. LOL. actually it's only the
number of viewers or visitors of my
within 5 minutes you need to post a
bulletin that states how many are you
viewed by your friends.
here are some interesting subtopics:
*i got ___ boyfriends!
*i got ___ girlfriends!
*i got ___ crushes! try to look if you
know some of them!
*i got ___ cute guys craving for me!
*i got ___ cute girls craving for me!
♥if you don't do this within 5 minutes,
someone from your love ones will
encounter great sufferings & will die
after a month♥
♥sorry, but i'm not the one who started
this. don't think that i'm boastful...♥