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  2007-06-03 15:43:02

» FTalkGeek
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The Truth about DOTA... The truth behind the online game DOTA (a satanic game) ANCIENT %u2013 question: who is ancient? %u2013 answer: God but satans disguises himself and deceives us, saying

@lester: The incident that had happend to your brother was indeed creepy. But Im still not going to stop playing this game because of that. There are some uh, let's say, 'inaccuracies' on your claims above. [quote]The truth behind the online game DOTA (a satanic game) ANCIENT %u2013 question: who is ancient? %u2013 answer: God but satans disguises himself and deceives us, saying that He is the Ancient one. Why? who would you think you will defend on this game? whose defense is this?[/quote] DotA is a variant of a "capture-the-flag" game (or any other related categories) wherein you need to destroy the opposing team's main structure (the "Ancient"). Your interpretation of the Ancient as Satan is subjective, and only based on your opinion caused by the experience that you had. [quote]the obvious aims: - to kill your enemy, to destroy the tree of life for sentinel, to destroy the frozen throne for scorge, and TO BE BEYOND GODLIKE in this game.[/quote] Of course. Have you ever heard of the saying "Offense is the best Defence"? So in order for your Heroes to effectively defend your Ancient, you must defeat the opposing team's units that has objectives of crushing yours. The term "God" (also "God Mode") has traditionally been used in a lot of video games to refer to a state wherein a player is invulnerable to damage or has acquired power-ups or skills that he does not originally has. In shooting games like Half-Life for example, enabling the "God Mode" cheat will give you full unlimited armor, unlimited health points, unlimited ammos and bullets, be able to fly, an so on. Obviously, cheating is not allowed in multiplayer games. DotA is a mutiplayer game. So in DotA, if a player is announced as "Godlike" it refers to him as an exceptional player of the game, because he was able to become undeafeted by other players, as if he is in "God Mode". =| [quote]WHO'S YOUR DADDY - This is used to become stronger - But actually this cheat pertains to admittance that your father indeed is satan.[/quote] You might want to read this article I found about the origin of the phrase "Who's Your Daddy?": I wasnt able to read anything related to Satan for that. [quote]GREED IS GOOD - To have more money - In Ecclesiastes 5:10-11 "Those who love money will never have enough,, the more you have.. the more people come to help you spend it." - It feeds your mind that it's fine to love money because you need it.[/quote] The term "greed is good" actually originated from a 1987 film titled "Wall Street" starring Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas. "Greed is Good" refers to the theme of the speech done by Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) to the shareholders of a company he is attempting to take over. More info about that speech here: It was just used by the developers of WC3 as the cheat code for increasing your money mainly because it fits the cheat. [quote]I SEE DEAD PEOPLE - This allows you to see the map - The truth behind is that, spiritually the players and those who are involved are dead; they don't have real life for they are being used be satan to praise him through this game. Dead people![/quote] "I see dead people" is the famous catchphrase of the 1999 film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan that tells the story of Cole, a troubled, isolated boy (played by Haley Joel Osment) who claims to be able to see and talk to the dead, and an equally troubled child psychologist (played by Bruce Willis) who tries to help him. -- Again, that was just another movie reference added by the WC3 programmers as a cheat code. And by the way, those 3 cheat codes (Whosyourdaddy, greedisgood, iseedeadpeople) works on all gamemaps of WarCraft3 (on singleplayer mode), so you cant really attribute those codes to DotA solely, since DotA is just but one of the many maps that is playable on WarCraft3. [quote]- OMG (Oh my God) The Bible states, "do not use the name of the Lord in vain!" - BULLs**t and HOLYs**t need not to explain - Good job / Good work when you killed somebody you are being congratulated with a good job or good work.[/quote] "Oh my God", "Bull####/Holy####", and "Good job/ good work" are expressions also NOT solely attributed to DotA, since those expressions exist everywhere. I feel sorry for what happened to your brother though. We'll just have to pray that an incedent like that wont happen again to your brother or anybody else for that matter. May the Good God Bless us all :).

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