Pages: 123

  2008-04-20 11:26:44

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

[color=#990099][b]Welcome to Friendstertalk Newbies !!! just like me! :D Since you're now a member of friendstertalk here are some things you need to know to get started in this forum [/b][/color] :D

[color=#990099][b]Welcome to Friendstertalk Newbies !!! just like me! :D Since you're now a member of friendstertalk here are some things you need to know to get started in this forum [/b][/color] :D :thumbsup: [color=#FF3399]At the top portion of the page, you'd see 8 boxes namely Index, Rules, Search, eGroups, Chat, PM and Logout..As a member the box most widely used here is the [b]USERCP[/b] box , where we mostly do our editing and other revisions on our account / profile.. So this topic will be focused more on the USERCP box and it's contents to avoid any confusions and all that..believe me it took me some time to realize that some things can be done like this and that...or probably i'm just too lazy to go there =| :lol: Anyway Back to the topic...[/color] [color=#CC6600]As u click the USERCP box, You'll discover 8 different sections which enables you to organize your profile, do some editing with some details like your personal infos, avatar, siggies etc. [/color] [b]These 9 are: [/b] [img][/img] Let's start with the first one : [color=#3399FF][b]Essentials[/b][/color] :arrow: [color=#3399FF]This portion is more on your username, password, email, localisation options, user activity and referrals. This where you can change your password (except your username), you may change any email address as long as it's valid, you can set the timezone for the forum to display the times accurately when your logged in, Refferals are done if your well-known here at friendster for being helpful or for whatever reason it may be that members would refer you to other members, obviously i've got none haha :lol: click submit to save any changes[/color] :thumbsup: [img][/img] [color=#00FF7F]Regarding [b]Reputation[/b] = Giving a rep to a member is simply a way of thanking a member for helping you or for a topic that seems to be of great help for you :eh: Simply clicking "view reputation" enables you to see who gave you a plus repu or a deduction and the following reasons why. So don't just go fool around reducing members repu coz they'll eventually know in this feature...What goes around comes around haha :lol: If someone gave u a minus rep for invalid or stupid reasons then PM that member why he/she did that and report to the moderators.[/color] [color=#FF00FF][b]REP RULES : by Mods and Admin[/b] a. You can use the reputation feature only until you reach 100 posts b. There's no way you can make another acount and give yourself a repu...This forum can track down your IP address thus disabling you to do that ( Accounts having the same IP Address - BUSTED! :lol:) c. Avoid abusing the reputation feature in any way (Give valid reasons why giving or deducting a members repu) karma! [/color]:lol: Second portion is [color=#FF0033][b] Personal[/b] :arrow: This section is where you'd fill up your personal details when your a new member and later on do some editing when you'd be an acitve member in this forum. This is where you'd make some changes on your Real name (doesn't matter if it's your real name or not), Gender (Feel free to be any type), Caption ( More like a shoutout on your profile like friendster but with VERY limited characters), location (any place you fantasize to be in), Friendster Profile URL ( ex. it's not really necessary to fill that up as long as you don't fill up any friendster url owned by another person, and lastly your that we can greet you and celebrate :D click submit to save any changes :thumbsup:[/color] [img][/img] Third Portion is [color=#990066][b]Messaging[/b] :arrow: I don't really use this portion... I'm just not comfortable in giving out my online messaging details wherein everyone can just read, not only by members but also by visitors/guests. On your part, It's all up to you. There are 5 different types of online messaging stuffs to fill up like Jabber, ICQ, MSN Messenger, AOL IM, and the most commonly used, Yahoo Messenger (YM for short if you still don't have a clue) click submit to save any changes :thumbsup:[/color] [img][/img] Fourth Portion is [color=#FF6699][b]Personality[/b] :arrow: My favorite portion where you begin with your avatar and siggy to present yourself to other members. [b]Setting Your Avatar[/b] = It's uploading a small image to be displayed in the forum. If you want your avatar to be displayed simpy place a check on the box on "use avatar". [b]Keep in mind :[/b] a. It must not be any bigger than 100 x 100 pixels = to resize an image you can go to [url][/url] b. It must not be larger than 40960 bytes (40 KB) = not all gif images are viable (You can create your own or go check out [url][/url] to check out some cool gif images) = To know how many bytes or KB an image have just right click the image, go to properties and vuwala! you'll see it there c. No images containing nudity or if you're too ugly to scare off other members whatsoever :P d. Originality = Please don't steal from another member in this forum... You can go look in other forums =| e. Feel free to put your real pic but beware of posers =|[/color] [color=#FF9933][b]Composing a signature (siggy for short) : "The more original, the better"[/b] = You can use photoshop or lunapic to create one, if you have no idea on how to make one or you're just too lazy to create can ask help with some creative members here who are experts (and of course willing to help you)..You'll know...Just look at their siggy (In case you don't know, it's that rectangular box at the bottom of the avatar) Signature Rules: a. Don't use more than one banner b. Don't make it excessive and annoying c. Maximum image height for signature is 200 px (HmmM i may be breaking this rule :O) d. No audio or video allowed = Signature will be removed by any moderator if you violate these rules click submit to save any changes :thumbsup:[/color] [img][/img] Fifth Portion is [color=#FF0066][b]Display[/b][/color] :arrow: Where you can select your preferred style when your logged in on this forum. There are six styles to choose from : a. [b]Babyisback [/b] [img][/img] b. [b] Cellfuse [/b] [img][/img] c. [b]Friendstertalk[/b] [img][/img] d. [b]Minima [/b] [img][/img] e. [b]Quicktime[/b] [img][/img] f. [b]Vershire[/b] [img][/img] [color=#CC9900]You can also set your options for viewing posts ( refer to image as referrence), enter your pagination options wherein you Enter the number of topics and posts you wish to view on each page. and lastly display of reputation, it depends on you if you want to enable or disable the reputation feature. Click submit to save any changes :thumbsup:[/color] [img][/img] Sixth Portion is [color=#660033][b]Privacy[/b] :arrow: You can set your privacy options by selecting whether you want your e-mail address to be viewable to other users or not and if you want other users to be able to send you e-mail via the forum (form e-mail) or not. Another thing is the Save username and password between visits option (This option sets whether the forum should "remember" you between visits) and the option to include post in subscription e-mails. Lastly is the invisible mode....i'm not sure..I guess it's only applicable to the moderators and the admin. Click submit to save any changes :thumbsup:[/color] [img][/img] Seventh Portion is [color=#339999][b]Add-Ons[/b] :arrow: This portion helps you make use of features that enables you to promote this forum by displaying the add-ons or your member card everywhere. Simply cope the html code and paste it on any area you want the add-ons to be displayed like placing it on your friendster, myspace, or multiply page, blogs etc. There are different designs to choose from[/color] ( Refer to image below) [img][/img] the Eighth Portion w/c is [color=#CC0033][b]Subscribed Topics[/b] :arrow: This is probably where you'd know if anyone has subscribed to your topics and the number of subscribers you have. Obviously i have none..Poor me haha[/color] :P :lol: [img][/img] Laslty the Ninth Portion is [color=#E00000][b]Public Profile[/b] :arrow: where members can view if you're online, recent reputation points, personal info, recent groups and your egroup :)[/color] [color=#0000CC]These are the 9 areas you would discover on the USERCP section wherein you could boost up or upgrade your profile and be an active member...who knows you could a popular one someday. [/color] [color=#EE82EE][b]GOODLUCK AND HAVE FUN! [/b]:P[/color]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-05-09 10:04:39)

Pages: 123

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