2008-04-28 02:22:52

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: 1. Save The Code Below In Notepad With [b]".HTM"[/b] format Ex : [b]PageIntro.htm[/b] :arrow: [b]Live Preview:[/b] [url]http://www.freewebtown.com/dementer/FriendsterTalk/BlackIntro.htm[/url] :arrow

tenx for the help.. im not using ripway.com to host my webpages/html files, im using freewebs.com.. i have save the first code,this one as .htm: [quote][/quote] <html> <head> <script><!-- function playSounds() { document.all.tune.src = "" } function playSounds1() { document.all.tune.src = "" }//--> </script> <title>jetro0012</title> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="revealTrans(Duration=3.0,Transition=23)"> <meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="revealTrans(Duration=3.0,Transition=23)"> </head> <body OnLoad="playSounds()" bgcolor='#000000'> <bgsound id="tune"> <script language="JavaScript"> function doClock() { window.setTimeout( "doClock()", 1000 ); today = new Date(); self.status = today.toString(); } doClock() </script> <FONT FACE="COMIC SANS MS" COLOR="#FFFFFF"> <FONT SIZE="10"> <BR> <CENTER> SORRY FOR THE INCONVINIENCE,MY PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION..<BR> TENX..<BR> <img src="http://www.nedarc.org/nedarc/images/common/underConstructionSign.gif"><br> </CENTER> </body> </head> </html> [quote][/quote] then i save the other code,this one as .js: [quote][/quote] var myplace = document.location.href; if (myplace == "http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php?uid=YOUR USER ID"){ } else if (myplace == "http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php?uid=YOUR USER ID"){ } else { location.href = "THE URL OF UR INTROPAGE.HTM"; }[quote][/quote] then i copy the link of the .js file and upload it to a generator. i copy the code in the generator and paste it to my media box. but it doesnt work.. is there a mistake in what i have done. what should i do? plsss. help.. tenx alot.

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