you should save this in the as [b].htm[/b]
<">then name it, for eg. [b]enterpage.htm[/b]
then get the direct link for eg. [b]
then insert it here

[quote]var myplace = document.location.href;
if (myplace == "http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php?uid=[b]YOUR USER ID[/b]"){
else if (myplace == "http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php?uid=[b]YOUR USER ID[/b]"){
else {
location.href = "[b]
edit the bold part with your own

heres the ex. of finish code

[quote]var myplace = document.location.href;
if (myplace == "http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php?uid=[b]12345678[/b]"){
else if (myplace == "http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php?uid=[b]12345678[/b]"){
else {
location.href = "[b]
then paste it at the top of of JS files
Last edited by simpleMe (2008-04-28 02:40:38)