Graphics section is really crowded. just these hour when i was browsing in there, i opened a request thread from a newbie with only 11 post.
can we do sumthing about it?
[quote=lonlytoes]wow. i started these thread in a very peaceful way. i never expected that Suggestions and Feedbacks section would talk to me these way. specially coming from sumbody that members look up to.[/quote]
[b]. . . . . .[/b]
I've asked Admin about this. Too bad, someone couldn't notice my point.
[quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]And fyi. [i]The Creator of this forum[/i] isn't agree with this suggestion.[/quote]
The indicated post contains the optimal response to this thread's opening post, rendering any further responses superfluous.
So, [b]Topic Locked.[/b]