i'm coming too... maybe my avatar so bad, but who knows
here is come...
[b]tittle: i MisS YoU
size: 78.12 KB (79991 bytes)
dimension: 100x100[/b]
maybe my avatar so simple 15 entries
Ok I have changed the filesize of my avatar now here it is:
Avatar Title: Ku-logo
[quote=tantalk][quote=Linniie]@maruko and tantalk
cutie and cool.
like it.
tnx but i think maruko
is da collest one...[/b][/align][/quote]
thenks for compliment hehehe jowk i love also your work
thx... but still think all member who joined make ava more good than me...
@bro ndut and shiseiten
finnaly u all joined.
[quote=chika.symphatica]@reversedge da situation its not blury..da avatar sizemust be 100x100 and 20480 bytes...hehe try to join...[/quote]
Well okay thanks^^ I'll join later just for fun
@Kimkim, the last submission of avatar will be on October 21, 2007.
here is mine hope you will like it:
[i]i heart mcdo[/i]
[b]and that is my entry[/b]