^its ok sis.. im sure even though its missing 3 layies it would be soooo cool..
i noticed ur sig, is that taken at UP? hehe., just wondering
keep it up sis! soo love ur layies..
can I have a permision from u to use union invasion code
cus i want explore and studying ur code !!!
I hope u allow me !!!
im beg u
if u allow me send me a PM
^ so true baby T___T
i was making a new layie last week
not one of teh 7 deadly sins collection though
i was suppose to finish it this week
but there are no linkers werking
stupid fs hmfff
[quote=y4sir]have u read my post in upside ???[/quote]
i dont share my codes sowee
this is to avoid rippers because there are getting credits for the codes that i organized
[quote=rebora2007]yes we cant use your layouts right now huhu.. [/quote]
i still have my layies in my friendster
EXCEPT in my profile for editing layies
LUCKY!! </sarcasm>