[quote=gemandi]I'm using the Dark Manor layie. It's soooo sophisticated.[/quote]
glad you liek it ♥
clean and sophisticated layouts = EPIC WIN

[quote=_berii.^ü]can i use it?

hyep of course[quote=yna_16]+repu for yu![/quote]
thanks a lot [img]http://www.anikaos.com/040-onion_msn_smilies/onion_msn_smileys/onion_msn_smileys-15.gif[/img]
[align=center]Ooog La la .. Finally it's out!
[b]GravityZero Layout0©[/b]
I've been making too much girly layouts lately

So here's one for teh [s]gays[/s] guys

I hate making guy layouts because most of teh time -- guys are teh rippers hahaha
SO...... If you rip it, I will chase you to hell [img]http://www.anikaos.com/040-onion_msn_smilies/onion_msn_smileys/onion_msn_smileys-01.gif[/img][/align]