[quote=newbieako]mz. aya ur control panel button isnt working.. (the 3d blue light effect on it)[/quote]
it's not compatible with FF ( the buttons)
but if you really want the buttons ok i will use kuya ephemeral's code which is also compatible with FF, the only difference is the buttons will be together (i dunno how to explain it hahaha)
about the falling object,, uhmmm, ok. il put blue snow perhaps? *thinking.......

[b]and oh THANKSZ FOR THE REPU!![/b]
repu isn't really necessary but it boosts self esteem and inspires me to make more layies hehe
[b]/!\ I AM EDITING THE DEVIL MAY CRY dont worry I'll post it as soon as i update it. It's only compatible with IE that's why i removed it. It looks thrashy in FF. [/b]
Last edited by forsakendoll (2008-04-01 00:41:29)