the main photo remains the same..
for the Member Since, Last Log-in etc.
@hael.. uhmm these are my codes for the navigation..
[quote][b]/* Navigation Links */[/b]
#mainnav a {
font-family : 'Trebuchet MS';
border : none !important;
color : #ffffff !important;
background-color : transparent !important;
background-image : url() !important;
/* Navigation Links @hover */[/b]
#mainnav a:hover {
font-family : 'Trebuchet MS';
border : none;
text-decoration : none;
background-color : transparent;
color : #99ffff !important;
background-image : url() !important;
/* Drop Down Navigation Links */[/b]
#mainnav ul li ul {
font-family : 'Trebuchet MS';
left : 0;
position : absolute;
top : 1px;
display : block;
visibility : hidden;
padding : 5px;
background-color : transparent !important;
background-image : url('http://h1.ripway.com/xavegoi83/pix/000000.gif') !important;
/* Whole Navigation */[/b]
#navigation {
border : none;
background-color : transparent;
background-image : url('http://i24.tinypic.com/keajoz.png');
background-position : center center;
background-repeat : repeat;
font-weight : bold;
/* Remove the Blue Image on Navigation */[/b]
#mainnav {
background-image : url('none') !important;
background-color : transparent !important;
/* Removing the Surfer, language panel, search, banner ads */[/b]
#surfer, #navLang, #banneradrow, #search {
display : none !important;
[b]/* Sub Navigations (links of the right side) */[/b]
.secondary_links, #subnav a:link, #subnav a:visited, #subnav a:active {
color : #ffffff;
/* Sub Navigations (links of the right side) @hover */[/b]
.secondary_links a:hover, #subnav a:hover {
color : #99ffff;
text-decoration : none;
/* Manually Removing the Marketing */[/b]
#marketing_bg, #marketing {
background-image : url('none') !important;
background-color : transparent !important;
if you're curious on what's this[b] /* Remove the Blue Image on Navigation */[/b] thingy.. well it's this one..
you can customize it rather than removing...
anyway, get some idea here..
[url=http://images.friendster.com/200710C/css/REV02/globnav.css]Default Navigation CSS[/url]