Just wanted to share this HowTo guide that will allow your friends to send
you a text message to your phone via your Friendster Profile.
This has also been tested in Multiply, MySpace and Blogger (new posting section).
Isn't this coool ??

WARNING: Make sure you check the text messaging costs associated to your phone, before performing this procedure.
Here's the How To link :
Upon completion of all the steps, you will have something like this:
[url=]Actual Text Message test[/url]
[url=]Friendster Profile Sample[/url]
Subscribing to Twitter or Hapihaus is FREE
Some countries do not charge for "incoming" Text Messages. However, some do . So its good to check this out.
note: This was tested in both Friendster and MySpace
Last edited by kabuteman (2007-10-24 11:44:17)