[quote=FoRsAkEnKiD]I think Light is really gay. Hahah. Light doesnt like Misa. Damn him, I love Misa. But he just uses her to reach his goals, and takes her for granted. Poor Misa. She should have chosen me instead. Nyahaha j/k. But look at Light and L on that scene, L massaging Light's feet and Light wiping L's wet face. Dont they look so sweet? Nyahahaha.
and hey, try reading [b]YAGAMI[/b] backwards


hehe, so you like Misa? the anime or the real person? keke, i prefer the anime, she's cuter...but the other Misa (the real person) is also cute...
&& the scene when L was massaging Light's feet and Light was wiping L's wet face...gosh! sooo sweet!

nyahahaha....YAGAMI ---> [b]IMAGAY[/b]...lol...
[b]L & Light - Girlfriend AMV[/b]
^looks like L is saying he wants to be Light's girlfriend...haha, by changing Misa...keke
"I can see the way, I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time again and again"
^ lol, that part was funny

...it fits the vid...keke (about 1:31-1:39)
[b]We All Remember L[/b]
this one's a sad AMV...as in, i wanna cry...i missed L sooo much...

this was the saddest AMV so far, that i've seen...
Last edited by gRyZtEiNe (2007-05-16 00:25:16)