[quote=`mizeL][u][b]@mareng Meng and to all [/b][/u]
You can only donate your own blood if you're:
*at least 18 y/o.
*weight is right (at least 110 lbs. or 50 Kg)
*health is alright (of course w/o any diseases such as STD's, AIDS, etc.)
*the rest of the qualifications are listed [url=http://www.hema-quebec.qc.ca/anglais/dondesang/qualifidonneurs.htm]here[/url] or right where the links ate Padme has posted above.

[b]I haven't, b/c I'm only weighing at 90 lbs. But I really wanna be a blood donor! I want to help.
[b]ahaha!! i thnk ur ready for board exam..

yup i already donated..
