.,this is the worst thing that would ever happen to YOU..
well, some when they fall in love with their bestfriends off course in the first place you would deny these feelings for the sake of your friendship especially when your bestfriend is in love with somebody else and you can't do anything but support..
but when the both of you ended up together, it's ok but the fact is, when the both of you break up, the relationship is ruined and most of all, the friendship you onced started and treasured most is [b]ruined..[/b]

[b]Remember this:[/b]
[quote]Your [b]FRIENDS[/b] would love you more than your boyfriend/girlfriend and your friend is more like your [b]husband/wife[/b]... I agree with that coz it's true..

.,oh i forgot my answer..

[b] NO.. never did..[/b]
Last edited by gLoOo (2008-04-05 23:40:30)