i like this song..my beloved sung it to me before and then i called him "angel"
here's my review about this song..
this really sounds so beautiful..and i believe it has a hidden msg by Jesus as He our guardian angel
[quote]I will never let you fall
i'll stand with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven[/quote]
[b]"the Lord Jesus will never let us fall from our sins so that He gave His own life at the cross that will stand up to our hearts forever..after His death from the grave He rose again and lived with the our Father God."[/b]
[quote]"Its ok...its ok...its ok"[/quote]
[b]"were not perfect we continue to commit sins but stil as we humble ourselves in the presence of God asking for forgiveness and repent..still He always says..."Its ok...i still love you and I will continue to love because you are my child"[/b]
[quote]Seasons are changing and waves are crashing.
and stars are falling all for us
days grow longer and nights grow shorter
i can show you'll be the one[/quote]
[b]"there's a lot of changing in our surroundings..typhoons,earthquakes,great wrath, tragedies..he is ready to deliver us from this. these time there's lot of people who are blind of sins, doesnt know the truth..but the Lord never give up on us because He love us unconditionally..He used His servants,prophets, to go all over the nations and baptized the people in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit(Matthew 28:19)"[/b]
[quote]Coz you're my, you're my, you're my true love, my whole heart
Please dont throw that away
Coz im here for you
please tell me you'll stay[/quote]
[b]"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and whoever believes in Him shall not perish and have everlasting life (John 3:16)..that's how the Lord loved us..and the Lord wants us to love Him too. He never let us fall in hell for eternity because of our sins so that He gave us the Salvation through Jesus Christ. the Lord promised to us "I will never leave you nor forsake you(Hebrews 13:5)" He just want us to trust Him and love Him[/b]
Our generation needs a breakthrough. [/b][align=center][/align]
if satan have the strategy to deceived us through the musics we listened to...the Lord have also the same strategy to impart to us His loved for us through music..because God created music.. and the Lord want us to sing for Him...it makes Him smile

that's all..i thank you