[b]Real name: Argenn Grace
aliases: Arg, Genn, Grace
Nationality: Filipino
Birthdate: July 31st of 1994
Blood type: dunno..

Zodiac sign: LEO
Educational attainment: going 2nd year High School
Friendster member since:April 2007
Eptok member since: June 4 of the year 2008
Friendster account:http://profiles.friendster.com/musygrace
food: any!:]
fave animes: Naruto and Naruto Shippuuden, Bokura Ga Ita, Special A, Mirmo de Pon, Daa!Daa!Daa!, Ouran High School Host Club, *I have a lot of fave animes*
fave colors: Sky Blue, Pink, Dandalion, Purple, Fuchsia, Lime
hobbies: Eating, chatting, friendster, listening to music, sleeping
dat's ol.:]
