Real Name: (secret)
aliases: L-chan, Rio-chan, otaku-chan

Nationality: Filipino
Birth Date: July 23
Blood Type: o
Sign: (u mean zodiac sign???) Leo
Educational attainment: Highschool student lng...
interests: Playing video games, watching anime,. dat only intersts me alot!
i love daydreaming:D
i love to play vid. games ang hangout with my PS2, PSP, coomputer and GBASP
i love watching anime, specially my fav.
i love talking to my otaku mates
i love my friends,.
i always feel alone and lonely,.
im not happy
i want being simple and "simple is best!"
i dont like crowded places,.
and im a quiet person,.
finsing for my right one;)
Friendster Member Since: July 2008
Friendstertalk Member Since: 4-12-2008
Friendster Account(s):
Friendster Groups Owned (if any):
otaku heavens
death note: L fans vs. light fans
kingdom heartsxXxfinal fantasy
vampire knight: KanamexXxyuki
gal gamers
Other Portals: