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Name: Misa Amane
Sex: F
In what anime does she belong: DeathNote
Why did you chose him/her: She's teh 2nd Kira. Her method to find Kira(Light) was very kewl.
Good or evil?: Definitely good.
Positive attributes?: She's nice. She risked her life twice (for teh shinigami eyes) for Kira (Light)
Negative attributes: She likes Light. (muchmuchmuch)
Things you know about that char.? Her shinigami is Rem. She likes Kira so much. Rem has a crush (right term) on her. She's the 2nd Kira.
Name: Sakura
Sex: F
In what anime does she belong: Tsubasa Chronicles
Why did you chose him/her: She's really sweet and thoughtful. In one episode of Tokyo Revelations, she struggled to go in a building to get something in replacement for their wish to be granted by Yuuko (dimensional witch)
Good or evil: Good ofcourse.
Positive attributes: Before, she really likes Syaoran-kun. And she's really really nice and tough! (sometimes)
Negative attributes: She lost her memories(feathers) because of Fei Wong Reed.
Things you know about that char.? She travels around the world with Syaoran, Kurogane, Fai & Mokona. Her brother is Touya.
[spoiler][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj284/Syaoran_Clone/TRC__RSyaoran___Markings_by_ka0ri_c.jpg[/img] [img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj284/Syaoran_Clone/TRC__CSyaoran_by_ka0ri_chan.jpg[/img]
Name: Syaoran Li
Sex: M
In what anime does she belong: Tsubasa Chronicles
Why did you chose him/her: The clone was very kewl AT FIRST. Then he went like, mad or something. The real one is nice. He's going to help Sakura, Fai & Kurogane to continue their journey to find Sakura's feathers.
Good or evil: Good - Real, Evil - Clone
Positive attributes: Real; Really really cool, Clone; He was nice in teh 2 seasons of TC.
Negative attributes: Real; none? Clone; After the real Syaoran took his heart from teh clone, teh clone syaoran was like full o anger. o.O
Things you know about that char.? Real; he was kidnapped by Fei Wong Reed. Clone; was made by Fei Wong Reed and used teh right eye and other half of Syaoran's heart.