• » [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

Pages: 123

[b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

[b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

[b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorrent does not rely on users searching for files in a central application. This method of finding files to download has many downsides, including the need for other users of the p2p network to make public a list of files that they have on their computers. Recently various organisations world wide have sued users of these networks for sharing their illegal files, which put many people off sharing and severely damaged the networks themselves. Bittorrent is different to those other p2p applications in several ways, the most obvious one being that there is no intergrated file search facility within most clients so it is clear that any files on your computer cannot be seen by anyone connecting to it. Before you can download a file with bittorrent you have to find a website that has a small file (with a .torrent file extension) that contains all of the information your bittorrent client needs to download the larger download. For the most part these torrent files are found on websites, either listing sites or forums that require membership (we will come back to them later). Once you have found the torrent file you wish to find and loaded it with a bittorrent client, your computer will be connected to a tracker that will recall all of the information on who else is downloading the torrent, how much of it they collectively have and how many people have the completed torrent and are still uploading the file. With this information, your computer can start downloading the torrent as it will be able to start connecting to other users and get various pieces of the torrent they have. Any torrent will be divided up into a series of pieces, each the same size, which will be downloaded one by one from other computers connected to the tracker your file is on. The size of these pieces will depend on how big a torrent is and can be any size (the biggest I have seen is 4MB). Since the torrent is broken up into pieces, it is possible for users that have part of the torrent to upload the pieces they have already got to other users. This will increase the overall transfer speed, which means you can get files faster. There are three types of users when using Bittorrent, seeds, peers and leechers: [b]seeds[/b] seeds have 100% of a torrent and have remained connected to the tracker so they can upload pieces to other users. Seeds are the most important users since they unable other users to get 100% of a torrent, which is why once you have got all of a torrent you should remain connected for a while to ensure other people get the complete file as well. [b]peers[/b] peers are downloading a torrent, but do not have all of the pieces yet. Peers are uploading pieces they have already downloaded as they get the rest of the torrent and thus increase the overall download speed. [b]leechers[/b] leechers will download a torrent but will have stopped their client from uploading any of the torrent that they have already got. Because they contribute nothing to the torrent, they are bad for a torrent and if they are a member of a forum that imposes a minimum share ratio, stopped from downloading torrents. [u]You can download bittorent here:[/u] [url]http://www.bittorrent.com/download.html[/url] [url]http://azureus.sourceforge.net/download.php[/url] [url]http://www.utorrent.com[/url]

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-10-09 05:47:33)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

pheeww... too long to read... hehehe... nywyz.... i dont use bittorent afterall.. but thx for sharing... mybe i can use it in th near future... :wallbash:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

This nice article should be very useful for anyone who is new to bittorent :)
SymphOny XII
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

yeah..indeed.. nice work ;) :thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

:arrow: :question: too long to read nywei wats that for? : question:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

[quote=bheybhie000316]:arrow: :question: too long to read nywei wats that for? : question:[/quote] think its for downloading sumthing... lyk limewire if im not mistaken... :wallbash:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

[quote=tikboyoyoy][quote=bheybhie000316]:arrow: :question: too long to read nywei wats that for? : question:[/quote] think its for downloading sumthing... lyk limewire if im not mistaken... :wallbash:[/quote] Oh? is that so? maybe i can use it sometime... =| i have heard of that before but has no clue what it is. thanks for the info you shared. :D
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

[b]Bittorent[/b] rocks.. I've been using it for 2 years now. And have downloaded too many movies/series/specials. I'm already having problems where to place bundles and bundles of CDs. I would recommend using [b]Azureus[/b] as a client. Like what glamour has posted above. It's gotten better since I first used it 2 years ago. The possibilities are endless haha! You can download everything. Best search site I know is [b]Isohunt[/b] ([url=http://www.isohunt.com]click here[/url]). If you want documentaries from BBC, National Geographic, Animal Planet, Discovery.. You can download them from a private tracker called MV Group ([url=http://www.mvgroup.org/forums/]click here[/url]). You can get anime, games, software applications, mangas, e-books, etc! Recently I've downloaded a handful of PC games including [b]Star Wars, Jedi Academy[/b]. Another client I use is [b]Clubbox[/b] ([url=http://www.clubbox.co.kr]click here[/url]). But it's entirely different from Bittorent. I like Clubbox more than bittorent sometimes cos the speed is fixed to 50kbps. Depending on your interenet speed of course. ;) :thumbsup: And however old the file is, you don't have to worry about seeds/seeding. Cos you just leech leech leech. =D [b]More about Clubbox here:[/b] [url]http://theftalk.com/t467-Download-Movies-TV-Series-with-Clubbox%21.html[/url]

Last edited by Padme (2006-11-10 12:01:12)

SymphOny XII
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

:arrow: STICKIED =) @padme... clubbox...uhm korean (i guess?) :P lol^^ cn u give me links where i cn download clubbox plz!?^^ -thx! =)

Last edited by SymphOny XII (2006-11-10 06:38:29)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

Hey [b]SymphOny XII[/b].. Yea it's Korean, and it's in Korean too. You can read the guide on the Clubbox thread ([url=http://theftalk.com/t467-Download-Movies-TV-Series-with-Clubbox%21.html]click here[/url]). Lemme know if you have questions, I'd like to help. Note that downloading requires you to have fast internet connection. E.g. [b]DSL[/b], [b]Cable[/b], [b]T1[/b] and so on. [i]Dial-Up[/i] would be a problem. Below are some famous Clubbox sources on Asian entertainment with english subtitles. English movies and famous american series are downloadable too. Credits to naynay123, kdwluverz, and chiaren. :arrow: [b]CLUBBOX BLOGS WITH LINKS:[/b] [url]http://yummyryuu.blogspot.com[/url] [url]http://sarang-clubbox.livejournal.com[/url] :arrow: [b]BEST CLUBBOX SOURCES:[/b] [url]http://clubbox.co.kr/naynay123[/url] [url]http://clubbox.co.kr/kdwluverz[/url] [url]http://clubbox.co.kr/chiaren[/url] Refer first on the Clubbox thread and visit the tutorials posted there. Try it. You guys can contact me if you need help, ayt? Coz Clubbox is cool and it's worth sharing the joys of leeching (clubbox lingo), hehe!

Last edited by Padme (2006-11-10 13:03:34)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

What's good about bit torrent even if you have slow internet if many are giving resources you can download fast. But if your download has few resources a 35min download can result to a 10hour one :( I use limewire sometimes. But if I download I always try to use a file maneger like getright :D
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

^ You are right.. That is why bittorrent is NOT recommended for dial-up. You will only enjoy using bittorrent if you have broadband connection. But i love bittorrent because it offers a wide variety of downloads. Plus it's fast (again if you have broadband).
» FTalkWhiz
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Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

Oh yeah, I've just appreciate this thread right now.. Me was like ignorant bout bittorrent before, enough types, done installing photoshop cs2 full key gen! =D i love it! :wow: Thanks for that one ate glam! +1 for yah! ;)
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

awww...hawwwieeee...very interesting :D
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

i have bittorrent in my pc i used it to download my adobe photoshop cs2...thanks for the information miss glamour!!:D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

Thanks for sharring, im a file hunter and this is a great help! i'm just starting to download now using bittorrent.

Last edited by mikergee (2007-05-30 05:40:56)

mango juice
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

i have just downloaded bittorent and installed it... but i cant run or open my application... why is this so?.. can anyone help?.. ;) thankzzzz....
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

^ What bittorent client did you use? I suggest using [url=http://www.utorrent.com][b]uTorrent[/b][/url].
mango juice
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

i already did... i usd utorrent and its working... thankzzz...
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

hmmm im using limewire now... a friend of mine has been telling me to change to bittorent... i think imma change from limewire to bittorent so that i can update my photoshop :D
  • » [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

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