• » [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

Pages: 123

[b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

[quote=tikboyoyoy]pheeww... too long to read... hehehe... nywyz.... i dont use bittorent afterall.. but thx for sharing... mybe i can use it in th near future... :wallbash:[/quote] Too right bro! ___________ Did you delete my post? Whats the difference between uTorrent and Bitorrent?
daixee mae
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

i also have bittorent...=) anyway, thanks for sharing!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

It's legal to use bit torrent..:eh: It depends on what you're downloading..;] but, I'm afraid to bit torrent right now :O, because, [b]i might download something Illegal[/b]:redface:... and because, they said :o "[b]Every person in the US is tracked by the US Government[/b]"..:smoke:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

nice info bout bittorent.. ^^ btw.. what is the difference of utorrent client and bittorrent client? im using bittorent b4.. but now im using utorrent and it seems that they are the same.. *sweat* and try to download here.. [url]www.btjunkie.org[/url] more seeders there..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

[quote=floid0523]Did you delete my post? Whats the difference between uTorrent and Bitorrent?[/quote] [quote]BitTorrent (often abbreviated to 'BT') is a protocol (a set of rules and description of how to do things) allowing you to download files quickly by allowing people downloading the file to upload (distribute) parts of it at the same time. BitTorrent is often used for distribution of very large files, very popular files and files available for free, as it is a lot cheaper, faster and more efficient to distribute files using BitTorrent than a regular download. µTorrent is a BitTorrent client. A 'client' in this case is a computer program that follows the rules of a protocol. For example, HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the protocol used to download web pages and other content - like this page - and your HTTP client (or browser) is the program you use to get those web pages. Aside from the interface (GUI); not much, they're both clients for downloading from torrent trackers online. uTorrent seems to be more popular due to the ease of use and user friendly GUI and favored among many torrent sharers.[/quote]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

wow!!..,, tnx!!..,, i know it already but tnx 4 the site!!..,, where i can download naruto!!!:thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

Here are some bittorrent tips. (Ignore those that have been posted XD) :arrow: If you're using a router, make sure you forward the ports used for bittorrent. :arrow: Configure your bittorrent client properly, by not going over the limit as to what your connection can withstand. If there are a lot of global connections to your PC and your internet cannot handle it, you'll simply be disconnected. :arrow: Don't use bittorrent in a public place such as Public wi-fi zones, hotels, airports, etc. You'll probably be kicked out due to high bandwidth usage. (Unless you have acquired a private IP) :arrow: Scan everything you downloaded before opening it. :arrow: If you're downloading a large file, prepare some snacks, and watch a few movies :) :arrow: As courtesy to the others still downloading the same file, please continue to seed after you download it. Don't be a leecher (Someone who downloads but does not contribute back). Seed to at least 1% of the sharing ratio (means that you have seeded that same file to someone else). You're probably gonna ask, "How do I seed?" Answer: When you're done downloading a file, just leave your BT client open. You automatically seed a file when it's finished downloading.

Last edited by halo5611 (2008-08-19 12:36:20)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

this is very informative.. especially to those who don't know about torrent file... when u have torrent files.. u should have a torrent client in order to download it.. but the thing is you should have a strong AV for some reasons that torrent files after downloading the real files, it has some viruses, and often it's strong viruses.. so be careful upon downloading.. but sorry to the thread starter but i have read this from other forum...
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

[quote=floid0523]I thought pirate/illegal stuff are not allowed here in ftalk?[/quote] This is the major disadvantage of these major p2p file transmission. It gives a high risk for its original companies and a high opportunity for illegal companies that does pirated CDs/files and sell it to people. You might not care for it but from what I've seen, a lot of Japanese/Korean/Chinese Dramas/Movies/ETC. DVDs/CDs that people had been filling their stalls are from its fans who translate them for FREE. it's illegal for illegal but it would still hurt because their hard work are being stolen by these people. [quote=jedcondor]It's legal to use bit torrent..:eh: It depends on what you're downloading..;] but, I'm afraid to bit torrent right now :O, because, i might download something Illegal:redface:... and because, they said :o "Every person in the US is tracked by the US Government"..:smoke:[/quote] It is still not considered legal because these websites promoting torrents and other file transmitters cannot track all of the files people upload and download all over the world. No matter what they say that "Every person in the US is tracked by the US Government" literally means only people in US will be danger just for downloading these files. Considering how many people do this day and night. That won't really scare a lot of people especially when they're not in the US. [quote=halo5611]You're probably gonna ask, "How do I seed?" Answer: When you're done downloading a file, just leave your BT client open. You automatically seed a file when it's finished downloading.[/quote] You are not still considered as a seeder if you will only leave your PC with your whole file but a peer. You will still have to make your own torrent that connects the original network to help seeding the file.

Last edited by lalalalalalala (2008-10-28 10:18:07)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

thanks for the info..:)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

[i]I had this once but because of the reformat the software gone and i'm not interested to turn it back again...[/i]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

Thanks Nice Sharing Hey I'm being a leecher sometimes.. But it just for A Large File cause my Internet Connection is just 512 Kbps hahaha
» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

[b]I never use Bit Torrent b4, very interesting indeed. :)[/b]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

I don't know much bout torrent files etc [?] but my cousin does. Maybe I'm too young for that, still in highschool eh? :P Ahmm? All I know is most of my applications here are from isohunt(with the help of my cous). And as what I can see, that torrent thingy is a great help. Even my antivirus is free. ya, I dunno how my cousin did that. Well, its not a trial though. :)
  • » [b]Basics of Bittorrent[/b] Bittorrent is a type of p2p file tranmission and works quite differently to any other p2p applications out there. unlike most p2p applications like kazaa or imesh, bittorr

Pages: 123

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