[quote=Shirow Masamune]^ hah? guilty? who? am i guilty? lol why should i be guilty

i didn't feel guilty for that crap like i said earlier im just telling her that before she ask or complain about the trick she must try it first it lol as simple as that is there a judging happened there?

[b] u said SIR SHIROW before "i COMPLAIN".. now ur saying ask or complain...
ASKING & COMPLAINING are different...
So sir shirow i did try the code...
Anyways... Thank u for commenting my post...
Just dont say [i]BAD WORDS[/i]
hapi new year to u and may GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS...

@ topic: i cant see my friends.. all i can see is black
Last edited by fiona_rhea (2008-01-08 09:07:20)