i agree with skyfire,,

why do we need a noob killers if we have here a modz,,ryt??
and newbie wants to know everything round here,,if they got a mistake,,
just considered it,,cause we all know its a newbie,,dont be so strict to a newbie,,
moderators will handle da situation if theres a newbie dats not doin dre job do be a member here,,
newbies has a good intention here on why did dey join dis community..wat is dat??..to learn more about tweakins,,and to be a part of dis community,,
so i dont agree with dis,,
we have a moderators here,,no need for the noob killers.
cause,,moderators will see if that newbie didnt paying attention to da rules,

just dont be so strict to a newbie,,
Last edited by portuniecho (2008-03-07 02:56:34)