• » i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

Pages: 12

i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk! and as soon is i reach a hundred post, ill be one to! rockzzel "[b]THE GREAT NOOB KILLER[/b]" thats if i can. =D =D =D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

I think its childish and unnecessary harsh treatment of new members that do in fact make mistakes. Its no wonder other forums are getting more traffic than they ever had before.

Last edited by bobcbar (2007-12-27 20:20:49)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

[quote=rockzzel]i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk! and as soon is i reach a hundred post, ill be one to! rockzzel "[b]THE GREAT NOOB KILLER[/b]" thats if i can. =D =D =D[/quote] what's the big deal of being a noob killer? hahaha very childish act.... .. :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: [quote][b]remember this:[/b] even noob can be great someday....[/quote]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

All I can say is this... All the actions you commit will comeback to hunt you or will return as a wonderful blessing. Just enjoy posting and don't be afraid we all commit mistakes... If you just joined the forum just to be a noob killer fine by me... but remember we moderators are not noobs and will take responsibility if necessary. :|
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

hahahah! maybe for you guys think its a childish act but i think you didnt get the point of being noob killer. its the noobs who always, imean [b]ALWAY[/b]S...commit mistakes. even they are already told so. ok. just sticking to the rules. [align=center] [quote]remember this: even noob can be great someday....[/quote] by:blurrycloud[/align] :arrow: yah...i know. i really know. even my signature approves to that. hehehehe! [align=center][quote]All I can say is this... All the actions you commit will comeback to hunt you or will return as a wonderful blessing. Just enjoy posting and don't be afraid we all commit mistakes... If you just joined the forum just to be a noob killer fine by me... but remember we moderators are not noobs and will take responsibility if necessary. neutral[/quote] [/align] :arrow: thanks kuya Ephemeral... nope, im here to [b]help[/b] and a noob killer as a side-line. hehehe!
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

[quote=rockzzel]hahahah! maybe for you guys think its a childish act but i think you didnt get the point of being noob killer. its the noobs who always, imean [b]ALWAY[/b]S...commit mistakes. even they are already told so. ok. just sticking to the rules.[/quote] :arrow: so your saying is that all noobs here in ftalk always commit mistakes? :arrow: when did u join ftalk? :arrow: are you familiar of each and everyone here in ftalk? I doubt!! :retard: :retard: :retard:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

I agree with ephemeral to a point, it is fine to be a "noob killer" but to identify with it as a goal just seems a bit over the top. Our goal here in the forum should be to make everyone feel welcome and unaffraid to make a post out of fear of being eaten alive by a noob killer. Even with my posting over 3500 I am sure 20% are mistakes in one form or another if following all the rules to the letter. For example you point to a newbie his mistake, and then I post and basically repeat what you have just posted, isn't that breaking one of the rules, yes indeed but we do it.

Last edited by bobcbar (2007-12-27 21:04:58)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

your right bobcar and everyone here even moderators or expert in coding starts from d scratch....... =) :thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

:) hhmm...let us say it this way... [align=center][b] [quote]noobs are very welcome here in ftalk. ftalk members who like to help are always allowed to help. in this world, we cant deny the fact that there are always bad people. bad people (bad noobs) needs to face the consequences because they broke the rules even they are already told alot of times. like spamming. so noob killers are like police that watch-out all the bad noobs here in ftalk.[/quote] [/b][/align] [align=center]and hey! im a noob too. and i actually made a mistake a couple of times. i have even made a mistake lately. and i am not saying that noobs always make mistakes.[/align] [b] :D bobcbar[/b]: yeah...[quote][b] Our goal here in the forum should be to make everyone feel welcome and unaffraid to make a post out of fear of being eaten alive by a noob killer.[/b][/quote] i do really agree! noob killers dont eat them alive with a single mistake. aheheheh! thats abusing! they will just guide them what is right and tell them what is wrong. but [b]if they keep on dis abiding the rules even they are told in a kabillion times they must be punished[/b]...am i ryt uncle bob?

Last edited by rockzzel (2007-12-27 22:27:25)

Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

lol whats this i didn't expect to have a topic like this here lol well everyone is welcome here on this forum just don't forget to abide with the rules and things will be fine to you but! if you messed up with it and you do it intentionally then i must say ill be ur enemy lol well im nice but i don't spare those who break the rules intentionally especially to those who spamming for the sake of their post count to rockzzel gud luck to you boy hahaha =| :thumbsup:

Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2007-12-28 05:43:05)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

:arrow: to mods: You might be wondering why we have the same IP addresses.. rockzzel here is my lil bro.. no wonder he wanted to be a noob killer. anyway... for the info of all... [b]NOOBS are not NEWBIES[/b]... we are kind ... oh yes we are... we are patient and we also understand that rules are sometimes broken by most of all newbies.. [b]NOT NOOBS BUT NEWBIES[/b]..... we all give countless reprimands to them... do we? but repeating the same mistake or breaking the rules more than 3times is a big question. thats the time we get rude and all.. if you guys only read the help section, not just the 1st page but also the 2nd,3rd and 4th or 5th you'll know how many broke the rules... for me, i am only rude to members who STILL break the rules after countless reprimands and warnings. it is even stated in the RULES that a topic will be closed if a the topic starter will break the rules more than 3x. but i can see that this rule was not followed always. and i am especially rude to those who have posts more than 100 and even a repu but still doesnt know the rules.. i mean, what are you?! it only shows that you havent read the rules or even had the sense to abide by it. :arrow: [b]Please do not misinterpret our actions. Try to investigate the member who we are being rude to before judging us.[/b] :eh: to avoid making mistakes: :arrow: READ THE RULES! :arrow: REMEMBER WHERE YOU WERE WRONG AND CORRECT IT :arrow: IF YOU EVER UNINTENTIONALLY BROKE THE RULES i.e. DOUBLE POSTING COZ OF FtALK ERROR OR SLOW LOADING, INSERT YOUR APOLOGIES ON THE 2nd POST. :arrow: To my brother, Please change your sig coz you are not a noob you are not even a newbie at this point. And i will not allow you to be a NOOB. :lol:

Last edited by ducheszv (2007-12-28 04:40:29)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

ducheszv...ok my friend, well explained =) Think its time for this old lolo to fade away and leave it to all of you young people with brains and the right answers to the many questions.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

^Waaa don't leave permanently sir bobcar, we are family here =) We need someone... hmmm how could I say this... :wallbash: old isn't the right term... :wallbash:. (ellipsis) We need someone experience and understanding in terms of good manners and right conduct, but sir if you insist to leave permanently I'll respect your decision but, if you prefer take a long hiatus for a while it's ok as well, better in fact! @ducheszv I don't mind the IP at all just as long as I see equality. @[b]rockzzel[/b] If you want to be a noob killer it's fine with me, but make sure not to jump into conclusion without proper evidence. I know you saw Shirow on the other thread saying some profanities but, the reason behind it was kinda deep so we permitted it once. Also if you want to give a [b]"Sarcastic Reply"[/b] if a noob killer comes into your mind, make sure your post still holds this quality. [b]Repect[/b]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

[quote=bobcbar]ducheszv...ok my friend, well explained =) Think its time for this old lolo to fade away and leave it to all of you young people with brains and the right answers to the many questions.[/quote] please do not leave the forum sir bob... a guy like you is a big help to this forum. u know u can be a mod here in my opinion.... do not be so affected with the topics around [b]suggestions and feedbacks[/b].... you've been a friend to everyone not just a newbie helper... we cannot afford to lose someone like you... :(
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

noob killer..? its on duch's and shy's avie.. ehehe.. hmn.. actually, dis idea may offend ALL newbies.. the term itself is so scary... and i think d mods are enuf to control mistakes (not newbies only).. its juz dat.. wer r d ader mods..? der r only few dat i cn see now..
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

Ephemeral & blurrycloud ..thanks guys I am not leaving the forum just will not reply as much. still here reading and learning.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

:o nice topic :lol: thankz for the link sir bob... i didnt realize this "concept" will get this much attention... well., as others might have said., we, who other's refer to as [i]"noob killers"[/i], are [b]not [/b]out to get the newbies or just anybody... we're [b]not[/b] here to make fun or hurt others. as you may have noticed., we just remind those members that come our way about the rules., sometimes., it just gets annoying when you repetitively told them already but still they do it...that's why some other members use a li'l harsh words... & IF some of you think we're trying to aact like mods... we are not!... we are just trying to help preserving orderliness here... we know the rules so that's what we tell the others who seems not to know or those who just simply don't care to follow them. we are friendly., we try to help if we can... we don't just trash someone... we know how it feels., nobody's perfect., yeah we know dat... but people learn., & dey must show that! [color=#CCCCCC][i]ooh it rhymes :lol:[/i][/color] -=signing-off=-

Last edited by sHy19 (2007-12-28 19:33:52)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

@shy: miss yah sissy :( be OL aight? ... nyway well said.. we are kind.. =) @bobcbar: lolo bob, pls dont be like that... remember you taught me alot.. you were the one who inspired me to help in the help section... you taught me bout scripts.. pls dont stop doing that .. :cry: @shika: yeahh.. they might be scared of the word "NOOB" thats why i explained at the bottom of my avi.. see? hehe :lol: as you said.. i dont see alot of mods being OL.. :paranoid: :/ @all: geezz.. didnt know this will bring up so much attention to you guys.. :lol: just remember that we have the same goal (shy explained it)... and we are not here to scare the hell out of anybody.. were just here for them to make sure not to break the rules triple times.. :D :thumbsup:

Last edited by ducheszv (2007-12-28 22:20:07)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

[quote=blurrycloud]your right bobcar and everyone here even moderators or expert in coding starts from d scratch....... =) :thumbsup:[/quote] I know this kind of experience. I remember my self here in FTalk. I didn't register at first. I'm always guest for 1 month. =) Then I studied how these things works. Javascripts and CSS are new things for me. But I worked hard. Registered my name "xavierkym" applied for moderator but "FAILED" (because i only have 50posts that time.lol) Then showed everyone what I've got, helped newbies and also non-newbies. Well, I'm a moderator now. :D All my hardwork had a good outcome. ;) [quote=bobcbar]Ephemeral & blurrycloud ..thanks guys I am not leaving the forum just will not reply as much. still here reading and learning.[/quote] LOL. You're one of the most respected members here. I salute you Sir Bob. ;) And also, everyone knows FTalk is getting crowded. So we really need helpful people like you and those who are like you. Coz mods and coders are not always online. :wallbash: @Topic: Well, noob killers eh? How will you kill THEM?? :o
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

@kym: everbody here treats you as a genius you know. :eh: :thumbsup: im not going to mention names but ahuh.. they do.. :thumbsup: your scripts work without a glintch they say.. and i agree with them.. :thumbsup: anywar for the KILL.. its just an expression.. dont take it literally.. :D
  • » i know...im still a newbie here and im really afraid to all the noob killers! not to mention that my sister is one! :crybaby: . i think it would be nicer if there is more noob killer here in ftalk!

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