[quote=julyan emo]my tracker n my other script is working..
but why my friends randomize box is not working???
can you check n fix that??
anyway this all my script,
i'm never change linker,anything,n open my media box in my fs... coz i know, now friendster update.
sorry my english is so bad. . .
The easiest way to add the friends random picture is to use the js injector code at the top of ur tracker.txt just below the css inject.
Create a new file on ripway for the js codes of the random friends codes, name it example randomfriends.js
Then add it to the js injector codes and place as I said before in ur tracker.txt. You can add more js codes to the injector by removing the // I placed in front of the two file names not used.
[quote]scriptFolder = '
scripts = new Array()
scripts[0] = 'randomfriends.js'
//scripts[1] = 'not used.js'
//scripts[2] = 'not used.js'
for(x in scripts){
myscripts = document.createElement('script')
myscripts.src = scriptFolder+scripts[x]