• » [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Pages: 1234567..7

[align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Since the last post have long interval. I shall post here again. Spoilers for EP 14 [spoiler] 来週 14話ネタバレ まとめ 冒頭、リヴァルが泣いてミレイは堪えてシャーリーの母親は号泣 表向きは自殺扱い。でスザクが疑問を覚える ルルーシュはロロを褒める 秘密がばれるトコだったからとルルの台詞が書いてある 秘密保持の為によくやったって。んですかさず「ギアス教団をぶっ壊しに行 くか」発言 その後、黒の騎士団でギアス教団を潰す宣言→ロロが止める→ルル悲しげな 表情 V.V.がジークフリート乗ってた。V.V.vsルル&コーネリア。 v.v.戦でロロの機体をv.v.ごと爆破させようとするルルーシュ。 c.c.に当たるルル。 シャーリーの命を奪ったギアスを嫌悪する ギアスもロロも抹殺する。 C.C.も殺したいが殺せない。不死の魔女め! 猛るルル v.v.との戦闘の後、ルルが「これは神根島の…!!」とか言って黄昏の間に飛ば されて皇帝と対峙になってる 最後は皇帝の前にルルが立ちはだかってEND - - - - - From [url=forums.animesuki.com]AnimeSuki[/url]. - - - - - Flashback to 1997 Young Marianne and CC are sitting near a lake, they had been horse ridding the castle in the back has been seen before in a flashback of CC, I'm sure of that VV and Charles are watchign from a distance, their talk is about humans being lying bastards etc. VV reminds Charles of their contract, he already had geass at this point, Charles repeats that they will kill God in this world of lies back to the present, Lelouch and Rollo are standing at Shirley's side, Rollo talks that he's glad because he was affraid that she had found out about something this is why he killed her and Lelouch realises that it was indeed Rollo, who is walking up to them with a carefree smile etc. lol Lelouch's first name mention of Rollo still bears the sadness in his heart, but he turns around and smiles at him and says that Rollo has done a good job He says that they head off towards the geass cult, Rollo doesn't think its a good idea, Lelouch asks him if he's affraid of VV, bla bla bla don't die Nii-san talk, of course I won't die underground city: Cornellia is locked up and VV is standing ont he other side of the window, she asks if he's going to kill her, he's not and their talk is going on about siblings and ofc geass the mask is amongst the scenes again, I really think it will play a large role and since VV mentioned last episode that God doesn't have to be in a standard human form this mask might as well be the God VV is talking about Suzaku found out about Shirley that same day, he saw her corpse and spoke to the Doctors, he probably knows what she died of now On to the funeral, Shirley's mother is in deep despair, first her husband and now her daughter all her friends are there including the three KoR and Villetta, Lelouch isn't there though neither is Rollo and they don't know where he is Suzaku is still in deep thought about her death you can see that =P onwards to Nina who just heard about Shirley's death, Canon is hearing her out and she's in despair again. Nina cries and Canon conforts her.. Canon x Nina love love back to CC who is talkign in herself again about stupid Lelouch and her wondering wth she's gotha do now. she is interupted by a message from him, he tells her to ready everyone for battle, she disagrees but he yells at her and now she wants to know what has happened the ship is making leave, Lulu is talking about Shirley, he makes mentions about the power of the king and about Rollo mentions are made of the 'gass'tanks that CC was also in when Lulu found her he asks her something about her mugai, megai...? she says its non of his bussiness back to VV and his councilmen, they ask VV what they should do with Cornellia and what Charles would think of it VV isn't even sure of Charles knows that she is here incoming call from Orange however Lulu is answering it, VV is not amused XD council men know that the call is being made from Ashford and Lulu does a call trace to find out where VV is Lulu is morelikely talking to him to figure out where VV is and once he finds the location the attack commences CC and the rest party crash into the city =P VV figures out what was going on Lelouch's Ashford bedroom background was fake, they're cardboards and he is in fact in the dessert near the city and has three mechs behind him, Shinkirou, Vincent and a Sutherland together with Orange and Rollo attack commences, people dying, women and childeren in other words everyone reminds me of the Britannian invasion of Japan back to Kallen and Nunnally, Kallen finds it surprising that Nunnally is infact a Princess, they talk about their brothers and Nunnally is glad that her Onii-sama is happy, Suzaku party crashes back in the cult, women and childeren are evacuating and being killed, communication messages say that the fighters find it strange and wonder if these people have anything to do with Britannia Zero comes in and tries to reassure his troops, though they wont be able to understand because in their eyes its still kiddies and innocent people they are surounding the city and are forcing their way inside killing everythign in their path Bradley got out andwants to look for Cornelia but is shot, CC sees him and wonders what he's doing here geass folk see CC and beg her to save them but they are killed in an explosion, Bradley sees CC as well.. mentions about Clovis etc. he apologyzes and dies XD commercial break Toudou and Nagisa are not at the battle field, they are talkign with Diethard seems like they're having a conversation with Li and some others as well, I don't think it is about back stabbing Zero as several people mentioned, Diethard makes mentions of Oughi to Sayako.. I'm guessing it has to do with Villetta Villetta is leaving Japan, probably to find Oughi.. I think Sayako will have to kill her on Diethard's orders back to the battle random soldier tries to even with soem kids he finds, he finds it strange that there are childeren one of them uses geass on him, ha ha! surprise ass, the kid now controlls his body and forces himt o fight against his fellow Knights, Rollo flashes by lol that scene is hilarious XD the kids see that the pilot of Vincent has geass and recognise Rollo onii-chan, they are glad to see him but he freezes them and kills em XD ha ha good Onii-chan! geass in cancelled on the Knight but Rollo kills the guy anyway lol on with the destruction, Siegfried shows up, VV is inside and charges a spike at Lulu who uses the druid system, it can block it but he does get blown out of the city lol and thus begins the open air fight outside, Orange, CC and Lulu against VV the rest show up as well all against VV but Siegfried is able to block their attacks.. Vv makes mentions about Marianne etc. bla bla bla and about Orange serving Marianne and not VV A missed blast creates a hole int he ground where Cornelia is with a Gekka unit and lots of cannon guns, she's trying to get her radio to work Kallen is shocked to hear about SHirley's death, she says that it wasn't her and that Suzaku knows this Suzaku says that Lelouch murdered her Lelouch plays his Rollo card and sends him out to take on Siegfried and thusbegins their match up Vincent is a nice unit =3 down below a monorail is made ready for everyone and they are waiting for VV's signal to escape Rollo starts getting mindraped by VV's words and loses both leggs of his Vincent unit before he gets electrocuted by Siegfried, his job was to keep Siegfried still so that Lulu could pull the switch thank you towel! for once you did a good job cannons fire from below and mess up his plan a little, Cornelia is down below in her Gekka looking awsome Rollo manages to live XD Shinkirou readies to fire its discoball and Cornelia readies her cannons again both fire at the same time, the ball didn't leave Shinkirou's chest instead created one strong shot Vv charges at Lulu at a last time but is shot back to the ground by Shinkirou to Cornelia's Gekka, Orange saves her back to the monorail, the tunnel gate opens and CC is behind it, she cries aawh and destroys the monorail back to Suzaku, dramatic music and he enters Kallen's cage, he talks about Lulu's and probably about his the end justifies all needs.. his basterd mode is turned on and he tries to get her to admit that Lelouch is Zero again but Kallen refuses to admit it and so he plays his last trick card, refrain.. VV is gone and teleported out.. they are looking for him now and he's in the underground temple room, the door is opened int he back of the room (the one witht he red geass symbol) Charles is behind it and is looking at poor little VV. Lelouch finds VV in the temple room and is pulled through the doors by some force, he finds himself standing in front of Shinkirou now on a platform near the sword of Akasha Jupiter is in the air and his father is standing up the steps.. thus comes more despair and angry lulu.[/spoiler] Watch it [url=http://wwwstatic.megavideo.com/ep_gr.swf?image=http://img1.megavideo.com/3/1/2d8b355219e8c53878f113682ecc32.jpg&v=SJ72TFW0&u=3143067615]here[/url] for faster streaming. Screenshots for EP 14 >[url=http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2008/07/13/code-geass-r2-14/]Here[/url]. [spoiler]So Nunnally will be the last boss. (?) That will be rly tough for Lelouch. He also starting to lose BK's loyalty because of Geass Cult's invasion. They kill everyone even children. (oh well geachu children deserve to die) And Ougi acted weird. (i hope he won't betray BK and that will be his personal matter with Viletta) That Suza-tard really must die or taken to Jupiter. He was trying to use Refrain on Kallen. Tsk. Btw. I loev Lelouch and Cornelia were fighting together to destroy that trap. And oh- Bartley PWNED!!!11 And I'm curious with Charles's line, "Time for atonement". [/spoiler]

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-07-13 20:33:28)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Wtf. Upcoming events on CG will be a backstabbing attack for Lelouch. I got 3 speculations and all of em included the same things. [spoiler]The Betrayal of Black Knights.[/spoiler] Here they are. [spoiler]Spoiler for Code Geass: -Anya is Lelouch's real sister -Nunally is an abandoned Geass experiment that was adopted by Marianne -Her had fake memories implanted by the Emperor using his Geass power -Nunally's real brother is Rolo -Rolo knows the truth and went into the battlefield solo during the battle of tokyo because he had to save Nunally -Lelouch and Nunally are believed to have been killed during the nuclear bomb attack -Cornelia joins Lelouch after he says he will extinguish Geass from this world -At that time, Lelouch will destroy his own left eye -The Order of the Black Knights will revolt against Lelouch after they find out that he is the son of the Emperor -The order of the Black Knights decide that they no longer require Zero since they have joined the China/EU alliance -Those who stay on Lelouch's side are CC, Cornelia, Orange, Sayoko, Villetta -Kallen decides to leave after hearing Lelouch say that "I was the one who killed Shirley" -Schneizel receives the Power of the Gods and will start conquering the world -Gilford will take the Knight of Rounds and bring them under Cornelia's command[/spoiler] [spoiler]Ougi meets up with Viletta during the Super United States' takeback of Japan, and begins to doubt Zero. Suzaku says he wants to meet Lelouch. Schneizel was doubting Suzaku, and shows up to arrest Lelouch when he arrives to meet Suzaku. The contents of Lelouch and Suzaku's conversation are recorded and leaked, and the Knights find out about his Geass. Lelouch thinks this was all a trap by Suzaku. Lolo dies from overusing his Geass. Nina's nuke kills 10000000 Japanese. CC loses her powers and memory, calls Lelouch "King". Asahina is killed by Nina's nuke, his last words lead to the Knights' betrayal. Nunally goes missing, Ashford is fine. The Knights find out that Zero was a Britannian prince and think he was using them as playthings. Diethard forsakes Lelouch too (he says "your broadcast ends here") Ougi leads the mutiny. Suzaku doesn't use the Refrain on Karen. They fight a bit and he ends up getting stabbed in the leg with it and gets flashbacks to when Euphie was alive (apparently Sakurai's voice acting is particularly worthy of mention at this part) The term ("kaku"/nuke) is not actually used. Nunally persuades Suzaku. Gareth- Gawein prototype. Has Hadron machine guns instead of cannons. Has Gawein's rabbit ears. Percival- Knight of Ten's KMF. Hadron machine gun and drill. Galahad- Knight of One's KMF. Twice the size of a regular KMF, uses a large sword (Excalibur) Freya- Nina's nukes. A few prototypes are made; Lancelot is equipped with one. Great Britannia- Wakamoto's new flying ship.[/spoiler] [spoiler]lulu gets betrayed by the black knights who refuse to follow a brittanian prince bent on vengeance and zero's recent actions and their effects certainly does not lend well to his image. and spured on by ohgi and the likes of tamaki. Not even Toudou is willing to trust Zero anymore. Kallen is stuck at the decision to stay with her cause and belief or to follow Zero. Lelouch however in his moments of desperation in keeping Kallen on his side that he did something even kallen can not forgive him for. remembering what Suzaku said about Lelouch kallen too choose to betray Zero. Rolo fought on to buy time for his niisan to escape using his geass beyond his hearts limit, triggering the bombs on the vincent with his last breath and heart beat. Having been pushed to a corner Lelouch has nowhere to turn, being hunted by all he those he once used. In his direst moments Lelouch is saved by none other but members of Knights of the Round and Orange-kun. So it is said that there is no such thing as an permanent enemy nor are there permanent friends. Enemies todays Friends tomorrow. Though getting saved by knights of the rounds still does not help Lelouch's case with winning back the black knights."[/spoiler] Really plot twisting. [img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/yuna4farplane/Smiley/beard.gif[/img]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Episode 14 Thoughts [spoiler]Good episode as ever. And Lelouch got taken to Jupiter with a special reunion again with the emperor. Hahaha. 100 pesos says that she will be saved by C.C and a flashback occurs. I wonder why V.V didn't foresee that Lelouch is Zero. And for that, he crawled and swam like Light Yagami. For Rollo, seems like his brother complex to Lelouch was deep , and he'll do anything just for him. And for the main attraction , probably DRUGzaku takes refrain and it's like "Hey, Kallen want some refrain? It's free , wanna do it? ". Haha, can't wait for the spoiler , if it's true , that he's gonna be stabbed by Kallen and accidentally inject himself , Kallen escapes with lol free Guren upgrades , I would lol if it's gonna happen. [/spoiler] Not mine , First few paragraphs were quite true but in the latter... it's funny. [spoiler] It is obvious that Nunnly is a fake sister and Anya is Lulu's real sister. Who is actually a space daughter/clone of Marianne haxed with wacky powers. Rolo's geass goes out of control making him go even crazier. He goes off to stabby Nunnly in the face, but Nunnly opens her eyes all Keikaku* doori style and kills him. * Means plan. Cornalia will do some GAR stuff. Orange and Lulu will tag team geass and play with some 11s for the lolz. VV sends Lulu to crazy eye power land and he gets to chat with Marianne and Mao. Ninja Maid kills Suzaku. Karen becomes Nunnly's Knight because she thinks Lulu would want someone to keep an eye on her and she is sick of being locked in tubejail. Party on Jupiter, gods killed with tables and stuff, Rivals, Tohdoh, and Karen die too. Nunnly joins with Lulu because the time they spent together was real and she loves him. But then she dies tripping over Arthur and falling down some stairs. Arthur's forehead geass activates and he turns into cheesekun. Lulu kills CC fulfilling his contract and thus stopping the now giant cheesekun from making the planet pizza by turning everyone into orange cheese. Villetta and Ohgi have wild angry make up sex. Cécile and Orange start going out. Charles moves to Area 11 to become the principle of Ashford. Lulu and Anya go to shoot some fireworks on the roof alone. But it rains. Milly was wrong, so very wrong[/spoiler]

Last edited by ezil2007 (2008-07-14 20:36:52)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Speaking of EP 14. [spoiler]This one is my fave scene. [img]http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/2418/snapshot20080714081323zs7.jpg[/img] ^ Two traitors of V.V made him swimm nekiidd. v [img]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/3231/code20geass20r220201420sk1.jpg[/img] Yagami's scene. Haha. Too bad he's an immortal trap. [quote]And for the main attraction , probably DRUGzaku takes refrain and it's like "Hey, Kallen want some refrain? It's free , wanna do it? ". Haha, can't wait for the spoiler , if it's true , that he's gonna be stabbed by Kallen and accidentally inject himself , Kallen escapes with lol free Guren upgrades , I would lol if it's gonna happen.[/quote] ^ And he will scream liek a girl. [i](apparently Sakurai's voice acting is particularly worthy of mention at this part)[/i] <I hope so. [/spoiler] [spoiler]He goes off to stabby Nunnly in the face, but Nunnly opens her eyes all Keikaku* doori style and kills him. * Means plan. [b]I'm wondering when Nunnally open her eyes. Then we'll see two geass with unbelievable power. *And omeg. Nunnally has sharinga[s]y[/s]n.[/b] Ninja Maid kills Suzaku. [b]All hail Sayoko!![/b] Arthur's forehead geass activates and he turns into cheesekun. . . .now giant cheesekun from making the planet pizza by turning everyone into orange cheese. [b]Hahaha. So the real boss is Arthur. He wants to make this world to planet pizza.[/b] Charles moves to Area 11 to become the principle of Ashford. [b]And then all students will go suicide. Charles: "I'm now the principle of Ashford. " Student: "Ftw. We prefer to die than being a student here." *take knife and kill themselves The End *[i]COLORS BGM playing......[/i][/b][/spoiler] Nina Mai Hunni?!?! NFSW. [spoiler][img]http://p.qihoo.com/pic/1203c12q9f6d[/img][/spoiler]

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-07-14 22:16:50)

Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

lol at gin-sama and lasch-sama :lol: teh evens teh drama!!! i can't take it *teh excitement is killing meh* [spoiler][quote][quote]Charles moves to Area 11 to become the principle of Ashford. And then all students will go suicide.[/quote] Charles: "I'm now the principle of Ashford. " Student: "HOLY shit!! *and all teh students drank sakuradite and died" [b]The End[/b] *COLORS BGM playing...[/quote] ^ [color=olive]fix'd[/color] [/spoiler] O...O..Orenji for teh while [img]http://i34.tinypic.com/nn1kdw.jpg[/img]

Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-07-15 16:48:19)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Sankyuuu for fix'd teh scenario ruru-sama. XD O O Orenji will bring justice to teh world with his O O Orenji. Btw, Shirley will rise from her grave and has 2 geachu to revenge Rolo. [spoiler][img]http://i35.tinypic.com/23sxftw.jpg[/img][/spoiler] Anyway, my speculation for teh Final Boss is [b]Schneizel[/b] or either Nunnally. Charles is only [b]Mid-Boss[/b]. If he'll be the last boss, why was he appeared on mid-season? So probably the last boss is Schneizel. *just speculation

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-07-15 17:23:26)

Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

bump for teh fabulous justice hahaha oh wow turn 16 and 17 is ;__; its closer to teh end and oh guilford was been gay-ass too :lol: and teh day was save by teh all-purpose remote button [spoiler][img]http://i36.tinypic.com/10px08i.jpg[/img][/spoiler] JIIIBUUUNN WOOOT!11~

Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-08-07 10:06:02)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^ DO WANT that FABULOUS remote. Well anyway, time to bump this thread with fresh spoilers. [b]Newtype 2008 Sept issue[/b] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10404376&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010404376.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10404395&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010404395.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10404609&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010404609.jpg[/img][/url] [spoiler][b]Turn 18- [u]Tokyo Decisive Battle, The Second[/u]「第二次 トウキョウ 決戦」[/b], Aug 10th [i]From Newtype[/i] Schenizel knows that Zero is Lelouch. Knowing danger is approaching Nunnally, Lelouch goes to her rescue. But Suzaku stands in his way. [i]From TV Fan[/i] The overall confrontation of elites is further intensified because of Guren Seiten Hakkishiki's participitation. What will be the outcome of this desperate battle? [i]From CompAce[/i] Alternative title: [b][u]The Flash of Freya[/u] 「フレイヤ の 閃光」[/b] Schenizel knows that Zero is Lelouch. Having the United Federations of Nations backing them up, the Order of the Black Knights begins the decisive battle in Tokyo Settlement. [b]Turn 19- [u]Betrayal[/u] 「裏切り」 , [/b] Aug 17 [i]From Newtype[/i] In the battle in Area 11, both Britannia and the Black Knights suffered heavy casualties. In this confusion, a Britannian special envoy visits the Ikaruga. [i]From CompAce[/i] Alternative title: [b][u]Betrayal and Brotherhood[/u] 「裏切り と 兄弟」[/b] Large casualties in the battle of Tokyo Settlement. As if to pierce through this confusion, a Britannian special envoy visits the Ikaruga. Who may this person be? [b]Turn 20- [u]Emperor Disqualification[/u] 「皇帝 失格」[/b] , Aug 24 [i]From Newtype[/i] Lelouch, driven into predicament, escaped thanks to Roro. However, what's left for him is isolation. [i]From CompAce [/i] Alternative title: [b][u]Emperor Assassination[/u]「皇帝 暗殺」[/b] Lelouch got out of a tight fix thanks to Rolo. However, there is only one road that he should tread... Is the world facing a new phase? [b]Turn 21- [u]Connection of Ragnarok[/u] 「ラグナレク の 接続」[/b] , Aug 31 [i]From Newtype[/i] Area 11 is in huge chaos. In Lancelot Albion, Suzaku challenges a fight. The gentleness before isn't there anymore. What is the woeful determination that made Suzaku fearless against any opponent? [b]Turn 22- [u]Emperor Lelouch[/u] 「皇帝 ルルーシュ」[/b] , Sept 7th Lelouch uses the balance between the forces that separates the world into two: UFN and Britannia. The stage in his consideration is the place which was made into the neutral zone of the two countries, and a place of his memories. [/spoiler] [b]Newtype character review[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v62/MEIMI/up3392.jpg][img]http://preview.shareapic.net/preview3/010407140.jpg[/img][/url] [spoiler]Left page, starting from upper left corner: [The Wish Is "Death"] (nothing new) [Contract With Lelouch] (nothing new) [What's The Museum of Memories?] This is a museum that keeps and displays C.C.'s memories. It seems to be the World of C. When Lelouch is lost inside, he met the "C.C. in memories". [Another C.C.] In the World of C, Lelouch gets a peek at C.C.'s memories. Then another C.C. shows up. With no mark (Code) on her forehead, she is "C.C. in memories". She's a messenger that tells Lelouch about her past and ... (too blurry to make out) [Memories Lost] During the contact with the Emperor, C.C. become a mere human. At the same time, she lost all memory about Geass. And of course, about Lelouch. [Promise between brothers, 55 years ago] Older brother, V.V., and younger brother, Charles, made a promise to destroy this world of lies. After depriving V.V. of his Code, Charles vows to challenge the gods on his own. Then he robbed another Code from C.C. Lower left corner is Hitomi Kuroishi's 1st album. The insert songs [i]Innocent Days[/i], [i]Masquerade[/i], [i]Alone[/i], and [i]Stories[/i] will be in there. Right page is mainly a chat between Ichirō Ōkouchi & Fukuyama (Lelouch's VA). Starting from upper right: [Childhood Alone] (describes her slave days) [Encountering the Sister] Knowing C.C.'s desire to live, the sister binds a "Geass" contract with her. [Obtaining Geass] (nothing new) [Days With Marianne] Before long, after gaining the immortal powers with the Code, C.C. shows up in Britannia. There she met her friend, also Lelouch's mother, the one who's known as Marianne the Flash. Before long, Marianne marries Emperor Charles. Lower right is about the WORLD END single.[/spoiler] [b]Newtype character review[/b] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10407135&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010407135.jpg[/img][/url] [spoiler]Kouzuki Kallen: The warrior that continues believing in Zero. [From Terrorists To The Black Knights] [Trusting in Zero? or Lelouch?] [Live As A Japanese] [Meeting Nunnallly and Suzaku Again] [Versus Knight of Rounds Luciano] [Back in Battlefield!] The decisive battle takes place on the governor building! Britannia army is about to execute Kallen, but Sayoko shows up. Together they escape with the new Guren. Kaguya Sumeragi: Zero's wife and the pillar of Japan. [Becomes Zero's Wife] [Interaction With Tianzi] [Three Court Ladies in The Black Knights] [Waiting and Believing In Zero's Victory] Rakshata Chawla: The scientist that watches over Zero. [Unclear Past] This photo is really too small. I can only make out the titles. [/spoiler] [b]Newtype poll results[/b] Favorite Male Character Top 10: #1. Lelouch Lamperouge (was #1 last month) #9. Jeremiah Gottwald (was #10 last month) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v62/MEIMI/up289136.jpg][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v62/MEIMI/th_up289136.jpg[/img][/url] Favorite Female Character Top 10: #1. C.C. (was #1 last month) #2. Kallen (was #3 last month) #5. Shirley (new in rank) #10. Anya (new in rank) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v62/MEIMI/up289135.jpg][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v62/MEIMI/th_up289135.jpg[/img][/url] Moar Korean Blog spoilers and speculations. [spoiler] ☆ Lelouch will walk further down the path of the Demon King. He will go on a rampage when he learns of Nunally's death and attack Charles directly ☆ Anya meets Orange-kun and in some crazy way (yes, this is exactly like the joking Geass thing with Euphie) he erases the Geass Charles put on her, and she remembers back and sees the truth. Anya was actually really Nunally, and the Nunally who Lelouch came to love and know was a spy from Charles. She joins Lelouch afterward, but does not give him the info, yet. ☆ Gino gets infatuated with Kallen, and he falls in love with her. He joins Lelouch's side because he sees some pureness in her. He turns against Suzaku after the Freya incident. ☆ Kallen joins back with Lelouch and watches him as he crumbles under his weight of revenge and anger. At first, she wants to use Gino just like Lelouch used people, but she also becomes locked in his determination and heart ☆ C.C's memories continue to stay gone. She thinks the band-aid that was given to her was a marriage ring. ☆ Lelouch doesn't bury Rolo. He recovers his body and then burns it. He laughs and this is what causes his total monster streak to begin. ☆ Nunally actually doesn't die. She goes to Charles, like the spy she is, and stays close to him. This sets up for the two episode finale. ☆ Rivalz is the only person still at Ashford. Everyone else leaves because of the fear of war. He won't leave and wanders around. ☆ Luciano blows up in Freya, lives, and seeks out to kill Suzaku ☆ Suzaku goes crazy over killing millions, and he seeks for his own life to end. He doesn't die because of the Geass, so he seeks Lelouch to have his best friend to kill him ☆ A new knight? It seems Suzaku is taken out of the knights, is banished, and they bring in a new knight. Seems to be a young genius that interacts with the Lancelot. ☆ Ougi and Villeta die under Lelouch's wake[/spoiler] Anyway, I find a nice pic. [spoiler][img]http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/883/mariannetn5.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^ nice spoilers gin-sama <3~ [img]http://i35.tinypic.com/hw0a3a.jpg[/img] yeah i hope villetard and ougi die! and oh i heard rivalz [spoiler]will be teh next emperor JIBBBBUUUN LOLWUT?[/spoiler]
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

now we got teh same bimmu ruru-sama XD.. well anyway, here's another spoiler from diff source. [b]Animage & Animedia, 2008 Sept issue[/b] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10436108&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010436108.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10436111&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010436111.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10436115&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010436115.jpg[/img][/url] [sup](I don't know where the 3rd pic is from, but it's the same as Animedia, if not shorter.)[/sup] [b]Animage & Animedia summaries[/b] [spoiler][url=http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p=1782838&postcount=10796]Newtype & CompAce version[/url] [b]Turn 19- [u]Betrayal[/u] 「裏切り」 , [/b] Aug 17 [i]From animage & Animedia[/i] In the battle in Area 11, both Britannia and the Black Knights suffered heavy casualties. As if to pierce through this confusion, a Britannian special envoy visits the Ikaruga. Who is this person that personally boards the enemy ship? The worst wedge is driven into the Order of the Black Knights now. [b]Turn 20- [u]Emperor Disqualification[/u] 「皇帝 失格」[/b] , Aug 24 [i]From Animage[/i] Lelouch, who escaped from the predicament thanks to Rolo, has no other choice. At a time like this, a big storm is about to occur in both Britannia Army and the Order of the Black Knights. [i]From Animedia[/i] Lelouch managed to escape from the predicament because of Rolo's power. However, there is only one road that he should tread. At a time like this, a big storm is about to occur in both Britannia Army and the Order of the Black Knights. The world is facing a new phase. In addition, there's the advent of the Emperor at Kaminejima. What will Lelouch do then? [b]Turn 21- [u]Connection of Ragnarok[/u] 「ラグナレク の 接続」[/b] , Aug 31 [i]From Animage[/i] Area 11 falls into chaos. Suzaku is finally determined, and challenges the fight in the strongest nightmare, Lancelot Albion. The opponent is the most powerful. Does Suzaku stand a chance of winning? [i]From Animedia[/i] Area 11 falls into chaos. "There is no turning back. No, I will not turn back." Suzaku made a tragic but brave decision, and challenges the fight in the strongest nightmare, Lancelot Albion. To win victory against the most powerful opponent, he fights. Meanwhile, Lelouch is also... In the world above human beings, the astonishing facts and truth are becoming clear. [b]Turn 22- [u]Emperor Lelouch[/u] 「皇帝 ルルーシュ」[/b] , Sept 7th [i]From Animage[/i] The world will be greatly transfigured as the two extreme powers, UFN and Britannia, clashes against each other. Is this inevitable? [i]From Animedia[/i] The world starts undergoing a transfiguration. Is there no way to avoid the clashing of the two extreme powers, UFN and Britannia? Or...? Fate of numerous men and women are changed, interwined, and together begin to spin a new story. And then, Lelouch's battle finally reaches the climax. [/spoiler] [b]Animedia[/b]... I didn't expect to see a spoiler about Marianne. The theme this month is the magic number "3". [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10440980&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010440980.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10440979&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010440979.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10440977&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010440977.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Lelouch's 3 troublesome family members[/b] [spoiler][Pitiable Brother - Rolo] (nothing new) [Immortal Dad - Emperor] He became immortal after robbing the Codes from V.V. and C.C. Now all he cares about is "the World of C", and lets Schenizel take care of everything in "this world" for him. [Mysterious Mom - Marianne] When C.C. is talking to herself, she seems to be talking to Marianne, although we don't see her. Why is there an another person there? [/spoiler] [b]Turn 21[/b] [spoiler][Staff Comment]The mysterious behaviors of the Emperor and the relationship with Marianne are related to the "World of C". A must-see in Turn 21 is about Marianne's assassination. As for Rolo, he's at a big turning point in Turn 19. Lelouch's family is going to have a hard time! (Sunrise, Code Geass team) This pic is from Animage. Marianne's new(?) attire. Maybe this is also for Turn 21? [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10441761&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010441761.jpg[/img][/url][/spoiler] [b]More on Animedia's magic number "3"[/b] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10440983&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010440983.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10441254&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010441254.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10441260&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010441260.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10441267&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010441267.jpg[/img][/url] [b]3 worlds with a dim future[/b] [spoiler]1. Tokyo Settlement Targeted (nothing new) 2. Black Knights Targeted By Schenizel [Staff Comment] The Order of the Black Knights became the center of UFN's forces. Schenizel is trying to knock in a wedge into it. With Kallen captured, the relationship between Ougi and Villetta, and Toudou and Diethard not reaching consensus, holding such a big organization together seems to be really hard. 3. Britannia Targeted by "Emperor" The Emperor mentioned "slaying the god(s)". And he cares about nothing other than the "World of C" now. What is he planning? That's something even V.V. didn't know. [/spoiler] [b]99?[/b] [spoiler]Multiple of 3: The 99th Emperor Ascends? Charles is the 98th Emperor of Britannia. He's given a strong image of dictator. But all he care about is Geass and the World of C, and turns a blind eye to business in his own country. The Emperor missing will bring problems in court. It's not surprising for succession problems to surface. The next Emperor will be multiple of 3, the 99th! Will it be the first one in succession, Odyssus? Or the greedy first princess Guinevere? Or the one who has the real ability, Schenizel? However, General Bartley told Cornelia that "His Majesty is trying to destroy the world". Considering that, maybe there won't be a 99th Emperor. Order of succession: #1 is Odyssus, and #2 is Guinevere. Schenizel is #3?[/spoiler]

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-08-08 20:34:55)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

100 centavos says that Lelouch will use again his all-purpose remote. Never thought it would be a plot device throughout the show. Man, I'd like to buy that. hahaha oh wow. Btw, thanks for the spoilers pics / summaries Yuuna.
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

DO WANT that fabulous remote. Available in store @ jup. hhaha. I havent posted this one here, so ill post again: [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10443840&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010443840.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10443843&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010443843.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10443848&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010443848.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10443849&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010443849.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10443854&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010443854.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10443855&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010443855.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10444031&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010444031.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10444035&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010444035.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10444038&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010444038.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10444042&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010444042.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10444044&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010444044.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=10444046&owner=Kouzuki][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010444046.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Name, age, birthday, horoscope, blood type[/b] [spoiler](Note: Some parts are missing due to reflections.) [u][b]Britannia Royal Family[/b][/u] Cornelia li Britannia(28)     1/13 Capricorn O Schenizel el Britannia(28)    2/14 Aquarius AB Charles zi Britannia(63)      8/4 Leo A V.V.(63)             8/4 Leo A Marianne vi Britannia(died at 30) 11/22 Sagittarius B Nunnally vi Britannia(15)     10/25 Scorpio AB Euphemia li Britannia(died at 16) 10/11 Libra B  [u][b]Britannia Army[/b][/u] Bismarck Waldstein() 12/23 Sagittarius A Anya Alstreim(15)  10/26 Scorpio AB Gino Weinberg (17)  11/27 Sagittarius B Suzaku Kururugi(18) 7/10 Cancer O Cecil Croomy(25)   9/7 Virgo O Lloyd Asplund(30)   2/2 Aquarius AB Luciano Brandli()   4/19 Aries AB Nina Einstein (18)   8/27 Virgo A Kannon Maldini(28)  6/1 Gemini O Gilbert G.P. Guilford(28)10/19 Libra A [u][b]Ashford Academy[/b][/u] Villetta Nu (27)       6/1 Gemini B Rivalz Cardemonde (18)   7/20 Cancer AB Shirley Fenette(died at 18) 7/8 Cancer A Milly Ashford(19)      7/24 Leo O [u][b]Order of the Black Knights[/b][/u] Lelouch Lamperouge(18) 12/5 Sagittarius A Jeremiah Gottwald(29)  8/2 Leo A Rolo Lamperouge(16)   10/25(?) Scorpio(?) A [sup](Note: his birthday is unknown. Since Lelouch celebrated it on 10/25, I guess he's keeping it.)[/sup] Kallen Kouzuki(18)    3/29 Aries B C.C.(16)         Unknown Jiang Lihua (蒋麗華, チェン・リーファ), aka Tianzi(13) 1/28 Aquarius O Li Xingke(24)      12/31 Capricorn  A Nagisa Chiba(30)    9/1 Virgo O Kyoshiro Tohdoh(38)  1/3 Capricorn A Rakshata Chawla(29)  11/17 Scorpio B Diethard Ried(32)    2/16 Aquarius AB Shinichiro Tamaki(25)  3/3 Pisces A Kaname Ohgi(27)    3/18 Pisces O Kaguya Sumeragi(15)  8/10 Leo B Sayoko Shinozaki(25)  11/9 Scorpio O[/spoiler][spoiler]1. Tianzi's name, is rly have guts with the name with the leader of China family name "蔣". 2. Nunnally vi Britannia(15) 10/25 Scorpio AB Anya Alstreim(15) 10/26 Scorpio AB The difference between their birth date is only one day. Could this means Anya is the real Lelouch's sister. While Nunnally is the spy. Well I dunno. Just wait for the next EP.[/spoiler] Im looking forward to next EP about anya :3 [b]CD Information[/b] [spoiler][b]8/27 Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 O.S.T.[/b] [url=http://www.duose.com/p/2008/0805/78985_730125.jpg][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v323/lemurianmoon/CodeGeassStuff/th_R2_OST1.jpg[/img][/url] Cover art: Takahiro Kimura & RICCA Tracks:  1 The Knight    2 Sensibility    3 Madder Sky    4 Beautiful Emperor    5 Deeply Fast  6 Crooked Diaries    7 Memory of 0    8 Across the Borderline    9 World Depression  10 Super Natural    11 Love is Justice    12 Death Work    13 Lullaby of M    14 If I were a Bird  15 What am I?    16 Concealment    17 Area11    18 World Depression    19 All-out Attacks  20 Prodigy    21 The Master    22 Siegfried    23 Grand Freet    24 わが﨟たし悪の華[TV ver.] by ALI PROJECT  Tracks 1, 3~6, 15~23 are composed by Kōtarō Nakagawa (中川幸太郎)  Tracks 2, 7~14 are composed by Hitomi Kuroishi (黒石ひとみ)  Tracks 2 and 13 are written by Hitomi Kuroishi, sung by Hitomi 2. [b]9/24 Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 O.S.T. 2[/b] 3. [b]9/3 Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 Sound Episode 3 [/b] [url=http://mcz084.ust.hk/phoenix/r23.jpg][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v323/lemurianmoon/CodeGeassStuff/th_R2SE3.jpg[/img][/url] Cover art: Takahiro Kimura & RICCA Tracks:  1. Character Song: REGENERATION (character unknown)  2. Rebellion Academy - Mr. Geass 「反逆学園 ギアス先生!」  3. 100 Geass Ghost Tales 「ギアス 百物語」  4. Character Song: REEGENERATION [instrumental] 4. [b]10/1 Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 Sound Episode 4[/b] Tracks:  1. Character Song: (unknown)  2. Part-time Jobs That Lelouch Can't Do 「ルルーシュのいけないアルバイト」  3. Lloyd & Cecil's "Welcome, Mr. Knightmare!" 「ロイドとセシルのナイトメアさんいらっしゃい!」  4. Character Song: (unknown) [instrumental][/spoiler] ^ Haha. Teh cover art for Sound EP 3 is lulz. ;_;

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-08-09 03:38:07)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Tired of posting this on CR forum because of some lol DEEP conversation of this show with two or three people. Debating themselves with wall of text makes me lol and facepalm. Anyways, I saw the "lol time-space warp" discussion a couple of days ago on /a/, completely ignored it but not until someone posted this image. [img]http://i33.tinypic.com/40wg2.jpg[/img] step.01 Sakuradite Explosion step.02 Nuclear fission step.03 Fólkvangr Field Create step.04 Sessrumnir Sphere Expansion step.05 Sessrumnir Sphere Reduction and Vanished(Space Transfer) Nina's nuke cause some objects to be transferred in space. My thoughts are , It'll be another version to find Lelouch's sister, and also Sayako too. And so, the confirmation of Gundam Seed all over again. oh wow lol Sunrise.
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^Oh thanks for posting it Ezil. I didn't notice that one on /a/. Hahaha. Yeah. ;_; Quoting each other until it become super long. tl;dr Fleija's Destructive Power is 20 Mega-Collapse / Reinforced SAKURADITE 20unit. FTW! That tablefkkr rly made a mega bomb with her obsessive emotion. If there are some objects transferred to space, perhaps teh aircraft got taken to jup. Haha. There's still possibility that Nunally and Sayoko still alive somewhere. This is teh latest CG Chara Map : [quote][img]http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/5057/1218456735184tz9.gif[/img][/quote] ITM : Asahina, Nunnaly, Sayoko, Guillford's status = "yukue fumei" (missing) Any possibility Nunnaly and Sayoko still alive.. somewhere? Btw, here's an article about Turn 19 from "Television" and another TV magazine (TV Weekly). [quote][img]http://www.bilderhosting.info/55407.jpg[/img][/quote] [b]Translation[/b]: The britannian special envoy visits the Ikaruga, Zero's real face and the abilities of Geass are exposed by Tohdoh. And + Rolo's death. Weee.

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-08-12 05:04:11)

Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

oh mai fkken action wer became a drama hole now :lol: and oh bradley and his loli squad pwned [img]http://i35.tinypic.com/2zgvnt5.jpg[/img] vampire was disintegrated :lol: and oh i remember an epic scene from TTGL by this scene on turn 18 OMFG [img]http://i37.tinypic.com/x0vi8g.jpg[/img] hahaha oh wow
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^ Hahaha. I chuckled on the Vampire one. Yuuna: Yes. Rolo will die. A slightly toned-down episode with drama like Shirley's death. May Lelouch cries manly tears and goes emo again. Btw, Where's mai Old C.C Japan? You said there will be C.C!
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

And we'll see Higurashi Tiem too on next EP. haha. Taken from as. This can serve for some good discussion, found it on 2ch. Spoiler for 2chan no specific episodes provided: [spoiler]* Gino attempts to help Suzaku. He and Anya help Suzaku calm down. * Gino blames Kallen and Zero for what occured to Suzaku. * The Tristan is nearly destroyed by the Guren SEITEN. Gino's fate is unknown. Tristan is recovered and reequipped (by whom?). * Bismark is defeated by Suzaku and the Albion, Suzaku becomes the KoO. Galahad is destroyed. * Albion wields Arondight and has the Shield of Lancelot. * Remaining KoR appear on other fronts under the command of Odysseus and Guinevere. * CC and Jeremiah are left behind by Lelouch (Jeremiah is tasked with protecting CC?). Rolo dies from his Geass but gets Lelouch to the Shinkuro. Lelouch lies to Kallen initially hurting her feelings. * Kallen and Lelouch confront one another outside of the Order. She choses Lelouch over them. * Kallen helps Lelouch through what she learned of him from Nunally. * Lelouch remembers Nunally's dream. The true Lelouch surfaces. Zero dies. * Anya was witness to what occured 9 years ago. She idolized Marianne, knew Lelouch from childhood. * Anya follows Lelouch once her memories are restored, reasons similar to Jeremiah's. * The reaction Anya had with Lelouch was due to CC's memories. * Schneizel and the UN reach a 'peace' with neither side gaining ground. Japan is turned into a nuetral zone due to FREIJA and the Order's actions to turn over Lelouch. That was the deal put down by Schneizel to the Order. * Schneizel and Cornelia discuss Charles' plans and Geass. They act against Lelouch and later Charles. This diverts their attention from the war. * Schneizel plots to use FREIJA against Charles as the Sword of Damocles. * Cornelia is heartbroken when told of Nunally and Guilford's death. She blames Geass. * Lelouch is reunited with CC and Jeremiah. Anya is also there. * CC was scared of him during mutiny. Happy to see him normal again. * Lelouch begins moving against Schneizel and Charles. * Ragnorak forces the UN and Britannia to cease their war. Lelouch takes advantage. * The new Tristan appears. * Guren SEITEN is pushed to its limits and is destroyed protecting Shinkuro. Kallen's fate unknown. (I can't believe this one) * Suzaku and Lelouch work seperately, but against a common enemy, in Nunally's name.[/spoiler] Poor Cornelia. She lost her beloeved sister and knight. I remember a speculation about Nina will die because Kanon. I hope it'll become true. ;_;

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-08-12 19:24:03)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^ Meh. I don't habeeb on all of the speculations. CG is full of lulz and lol "What a tweeessttt!" Btw, Geass Sunday tomorrow! Are you ready guys to cry girly tears for Rolo? Hahaha oh wow.
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Oh yeah. I'm ready for manly tears --NOT. :lol: But I think Lelouch will lol hard after Rolo dies. Possible dialogue. [quote][i]Before Rolo dies..[/i] Rolo : "Nii-san. I'm doing this just for you. I loev you Nii-san." Lelouch : "Good. Now just die rag." Rolo : (shocked) and taken to jup.[/quote] :lol: And those KnK will betray Zero on this ep. ;_; Tohdoh will tell all KnK. Thanks to Asahina.
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

2ch spoilers No confirmation yet but it's worth a read. Full of tweest and lulz. [spoiler] - Nunally and Sayoko were saved from the blast by Charles. Saving Nunally was intentional, Sayoko just happened to be there. - Suzaku goes insane after he realizes what he has done. He prepares a strike against Britannia with the Lancelot and eliminates many of the lesser-important Knights. He is stopped by a mysterious Knightmare who identifies themselves as Knight of Zero. He is then captured and brought to Charles. - Anya confronts Jeremiah and says that she believes she is under the influence of a Geass. Jeremiah takes her to Lelouch who confines her and then permits Jeremiah to use his Geass Canceler. It is then revealed that Anya is Lelouch's true sister, and not Nunally. Lelouch does not believe it, but Jeremiah attempts to focus on Charles' type of Geass within Lelouch's mind, and finds it deeply hidden. He now remembers - he, Anya, Jeremiah and many others are all under the influence of Charles' Geass. His true past memories have no knowledge of Nunally. - Nunally is the Knight of Zero, a special-ops Knight. She was (willingly) under Charles' Geass to help advance his plans. She also has a Geass, identical to the one in the Nightmare of Nunally manga. - The Black Knights initially betray Lelouch, after they see him going insane after the "death" of Nunally. After it is revealed that they are all key pawns in Charles' plans, they agree to fight alongside Lelouch again. - Every major character, aside from Charles and Nunally, ally themselves with Lelouch to take down Britannia. They willingly accept Geass from Lelouch, to help him launch a sneak attack against Charles, which ends up in failure, and the death of C.C. at the hands of Nunally. - Before her death, C.C.'s inner soul speaks to Lelouch - with the mentality of her previous self. She encourages Lelouch to continue on, and grants him her Code (immortality) and through a loophole, allows him to retain his Geass. - Lelouch launches an immediate second attack on Britannia, and begins to be defeated again. However, his Geass overloads, and the effects of his Geass spread across the entire planet, affecting everyone he has never Geassed, telling them to "Destroy Britannia" - the world begins a full frontal assault on Charles and Nunally. - Charles and Nunally's primary goal is to "kill the gods", by using a powerful cannon known as Loginus, to break through the dimensional barrier separating the two realms of life and afterlife. The Loginus is powered by human souls, and the power of Geass is able to amplify the charge for each soul. Those who die by the power of Geass, only further Charles' plan. - By killing the gods, Charles will be able to reform the world in a way that he sees fit. His vision of a new world? A world where no one has to suffer, and he can keep Nunally safe and happy, the same dream Lelouch had. - The climax of the series ends with a battle between Lelouch, Anya, Suzaku and Kallen VS Charles and Nunally. Anya kills Nunally (with Suzaku and Kallen's aid) and Lelouch forces Charles into the ray of the Loginus, utterly destroying him. - After the series, Lelouch shuts himself off from the world, so he can no longer hurt anyone or see anyone be hurt. Suzaku, Anya and Kallen help reform the new world.[/spoiler]
  • » [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

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