Since the last post have long interval. I shall post here again.
Spoilers for EP 14
来週 14話ネタバレ まとめ
C.C.も殺したいが殺せない。不死の魔女め! 猛るルル
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From []AnimeSuki[/url].
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Flashback to 1997
Young Marianne and CC are sitting near a lake, they had been horse ridding
the castle in the back has been seen before in a flashback of CC, I'm sure of that
VV and Charles are watchign from a distance, their talk is about humans being lying bastards etc.
VV reminds Charles of their contract, he already had geass at this point, Charles repeats that they will kill God in this world of lies
back to the present, Lelouch and Rollo are standing at Shirley's side, Rollo talks that he's glad because he was affraid that she had found out about something
this is why he killed her and Lelouch realises that it was indeed Rollo, who is walking up to them with a carefree smile etc. lol
Lelouch's first name mention of Rollo still bears the sadness in his heart, but he turns around and smiles at him and says that Rollo has done a good job
He says that they head off towards the geass cult, Rollo doesn't think its a good idea, Lelouch asks him if he's affraid of VV, bla bla bla don't die Nii-san talk, of course I won't die
underground city:
Cornellia is locked up and VV is standing ont he other side of the window, she asks if he's going to kill her, he's not and their talk is going on about siblings and ofc geass
the mask is amongst the scenes again, I really think it will play a large role and since VV mentioned last episode that God doesn't have to be in a standard human form this mask might as well be the God VV is talking about
Suzaku found out about Shirley that same day, he saw her corpse and spoke to the Doctors, he probably knows what she died of now
On to the funeral, Shirley's mother is in deep despair, first her husband and now her daughter
all her friends are there including the three KoR and Villetta, Lelouch isn't there though neither is Rollo and they don't know where he is
Suzaku is still in deep thought about her death you can see that =P
onwards to Nina who just heard about Shirley's death, Canon is hearing her out and she's in despair again.
Nina cries and Canon conforts her.. Canon x Nina love love
back to CC who is talkign in herself again about stupid Lelouch and her wondering wth she's gotha do now.
she is interupted by a message from him, he tells her to ready everyone for battle, she disagrees but he yells at her and now she wants to know what has happened
the ship is making leave, Lulu is talking about Shirley, he makes mentions about the power of the king and about Rollo
mentions are made of the 'gass'tanks that CC was also in when Lulu found her
he asks her something about her mugai, megai...? she says its non of his bussiness
back to VV and his councilmen, they ask VV what they should do with Cornellia and what Charles would think of it
VV isn't even sure of Charles knows that she is here
incoming call from Orange however Lulu is answering it, VV is not amused XD
council men know that the call is being made from Ashford and Lulu does a call trace to find out where VV is
Lulu is morelikely talking to him to figure out where VV is and once he finds the location the attack commences
CC and the rest party crash into the city =P VV figures out what was going on
Lelouch's Ashford bedroom background was fake, they're cardboards and he is in fact in the dessert near the city and has three mechs behind him, Shinkirou, Vincent and a Sutherland together with Orange and Rollo
attack commences, people dying, women and childeren in other words everyone reminds me of the Britannian invasion of Japan
back to Kallen and Nunnally, Kallen finds it surprising that Nunnally is infact a Princess, they talk about their brothers and Nunnally is glad that her Onii-sama is happy, Suzaku party crashes
back in the cult, women and childeren are evacuating and being killed, communication messages say that the fighters find it strange and wonder if these people have anything to do with Britannia
Zero comes in and tries to reassure his troops, though they wont be able to understand because in their eyes its still kiddies and innocent people
they are surounding the city and are forcing their way inside killing everythign in their path
Bradley got out andwants to look for Cornelia but is shot, CC sees him and wonders what he's doing here
geass folk see CC and beg her to save them but they are killed in an explosion, Bradley sees CC as well.. mentions about Clovis etc. he apologyzes and dies XD
commercial break
Toudou and Nagisa are not at the battle field, they are talkign with Diethard
seems like they're having a conversation with Li and some others as well, I don't think it is about back stabbing Zero as several people mentioned,
Diethard makes mentions of Oughi to Sayako.. I'm guessing it has to do with Villetta
Villetta is leaving Japan, probably to find Oughi.. I think Sayako will have to kill her on Diethard's orders
back to the battle random soldier tries to even with soem kids he finds, he finds it strange that there are childeren
one of them uses geass on him, ha ha! surprise ass, the kid now controlls his body and forces himt o fight against his fellow Knights, Rollo flashes by lol that scene is hilarious XD
the kids see that the pilot of Vincent has geass and recognise Rollo onii-chan, they are glad to see him but he freezes them and kills em XD ha ha good Onii-chan!
geass in cancelled on the Knight but Rollo kills the guy anyway lol
on with the destruction, Siegfried shows up, VV is inside and charges a spike at Lulu who uses the druid system, it can block it but he does get blown out of the city lol
and thus begins the open air fight outside, Orange, CC and Lulu against VV the rest show up as well
all against VV but Siegfried is able to block their attacks.. Vv makes mentions about Marianne etc. bla bla bla and about Orange serving Marianne and not VV
A missed blast creates a hole int he ground where Cornelia is with a Gekka unit and lots of cannon guns, she's trying to get her radio to work
Kallen is shocked to hear about SHirley's death, she says that it wasn't her and that Suzaku knows this
Suzaku says that Lelouch murdered her
Lelouch plays his Rollo card and sends him out to take on Siegfried and thusbegins their match up
Vincent is a nice unit
down below a monorail is made ready for everyone and they are waiting for VV's signal to escape
Rollo starts getting mindraped by VV's words and loses both leggs of his Vincent unit before he gets electrocuted by Siegfried, his job was to keep Siegfried still so that Lulu could pull the switch
thank you towel! for once you did a good job
cannons fire from below and mess up his plan a little, Cornelia is down below in her Gekka looking awsome
Rollo manages to live XD Shinkirou readies to fire its discoball and Cornelia readies her cannons again
both fire at the same time, the ball didn't leave Shinkirou's chest instead created one strong shot
Vv charges at Lulu at a last time but is shot back to the ground by Shinkirou to Cornelia's Gekka, Orange saves her
back to the monorail, the tunnel gate opens and CC is behind it, she cries aawh and destroys the monorail
back to Suzaku, dramatic music and he enters Kallen's cage, he talks about Lulu's and probably about his the end justifies all needs..
his basterd mode is turned on and he tries to get her to admit that Lelouch is Zero again but Kallen refuses to admit it
and so he plays his last trick card, refrain..
VV is gone and teleported out..
they are looking for him now and he's in the underground temple room, the door is opened int he back of the room (the one witht he red geass symbol)
Charles is behind it and is looking at poor little VV.
Lelouch finds VV in the temple room and is pulled through the doors by some force, he finds himself standing in front of Shinkirou now on a platform near the sword of Akasha
Jupiter is in the air and his father is standing up the steps.. thus comes more despair and angry lulu.[/spoiler]
Watch it [url=]here[/url] for faster streaming.
Screenshots for EP 14 >[url=]Here[/url].
[spoiler]So Nunnally will be the last boss. (?) That will be rly tough for Lelouch. He also starting to lose BK's loyalty because of Geass Cult's invasion. They kill everyone even children. (oh well geachu children deserve to die) And Ougi acted weird. (i hope he won't betray BK and that will be his personal matter with Viletta) That Suza-tard really must die or taken to Jupiter. He was trying to use Refrain on Kallen. Tsk.
Btw. I loev Lelouch and Cornelia were fighting together to destroy that trap. And oh- Bartley PWNED!!!11
And I'm curious with Charles's line, "Time for atonement". [/spoiler]
Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-07-13 20:33:28)