• » [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Pages: 112345677

[align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^ Sankyuuu for teh delicious spoilers Ezil. But they missed one major character there. Which is [s]Clovis[/s] Schneizel. What will happen to him in teh future? Or got raped by kanon? Hahaha.

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-08-16 20:32:34)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^ Yeah... The spoiler seems fail 'cause it lacks side characters such as Rivalz, Schneizel, Xingke, and especially Nina. Oh well, can't wait for tonight's episode. Gonna get to Jupiter time.
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

yeah someone will gonna get on to [img]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h164/chiefscotty24/Jewpiter.jpg[/img] later =D well anyway hope i can watch it with gin-sama properly those fkken live streaming host are a retarded troll :wallbash: few moar hours to go :penguin:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

C.C lost her memories of the times that she posses geass,Shirley dies just when she already accepted lelouch as Zero and now Nunnaly dies(well i bet she would still die even if suzaku didn't used freya,that bitch rollo is jealous of her!) well i still cant believe that lelouch 4got bout the fact that he used geass on suzaku ordering him to LIVE ON,he should have made jeremiah use his geass canceler on suzaku and the let karren kill him! i knew all along even before R2 started that lelouch will have a hard time crushing britannia bcoz of the geass casted on suzaku and i doubt that he will successfully pull this off now that the black knights are suspicious of him :cry:
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Latest spoiler : [spoiler][img]http://forums.animesuki.com/picture.php?albumid=647&pictureid=7052[/img] [b]Translation[/b]: Schneizel sends Suzaku to kill the Emp.[/spoiler] Do it F49907. :lol: And -they made a lil difference on Opening Scene : [spoiler][img]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/2466/cgop19ob2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/3004/cgopgi6.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-08-19 09:16:44)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

OMFG. Sunrise is rly ;_; Try to read here http://trainwreck.ggkthx.org/2008/08/19/taniguchi-on-geass-not-as-planned/ I rage on what they have done to the original plan of Taniguchi.
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^ Yes. Thanks Yuuna. Have you seen the turn 20 extended preview? There was a scene where Anya was geassed by Lelouch or maybe Anya was geassed by Wakamoto or maybe Anya was ungeassed by Orange. So hopefully that the third choice must be happen at all cost. She probably carries Marianne's memories or better than we can iimagine. Also, Turn 19 rant The Ashford Academy wasn't been destroyed, not even a scratch. What the hell? Nina created a nuke that can kill BK and Zero but didn't calculate that it can kill millions of people? Oh wow. Why Rolo and Lelouch didn't switch places? Lelouch can handle the traitors without Rolo's aid. Or more importantly, Rolo can just use Shinkurou's submarine mode to escape, isn't it hard right? Why is that BK became a traitor? They forgot that Lelouch helped them to survive from the beginning. Elevens really an idiots and backstabbing. Unlike Urabe, knew the BK is just disposable pawns and took the humilation wholeheartedly from knowing the fact that Zero is a britannian prince and a student. Hope that they'll die in a fire especially Jewgi and Villetta. Yes. CG is full utter fail and all, and shouldn't be taken seriously. But, I'll keep on watchin' 'til the end. But oh well... Goodnight, Sweet Prince ;_;
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^ Yeah. I've seen the turn 20 preview. Nice rants you got there Ezil. I hope the third choice will happen. *After reading lots of various speculations even there's some different speculations but they have same thought about Anya. And what will be Kaguya's reaction? Looks liek she's crying there. In fact, Britannia still attacking Japan even those BK have overthrown Zero. They will be useless from now. And soon they will realize that they are nothing without Zero. It's quite a mess. After reading the gg blog on "Taniguchi-Not-as-planned", kinda explained why R2 is a fail. As if they don't give the new timeslot, . . . . . We'll never see the original plan of Taniguchi for Code Geass. I hope they will release DVD Special? or Picture Book? ;_;
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Kaguya is useless moeblob. I don't even think that she funds BK financially. or does she? I just wanted that Xingke will accept Lelouch as a Zero and nothing but an ally. Also, Yep. Even though, Jewgi requested Schneizel to bring back Japan to them, Schneizel doesn't seem to agree with that. They are nothing but underdog who suck cocks on another leader. Yes. R2 is really a mess but nonetheless iit's an entertaining show. No to R3 or remake. I want my Gundam 00 now.
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^ Me want Gundam 00 too. Sunday is upcoming. Here's some keywords from Newsletter. [spoiler][b]Turn 20- Emperor Disqualification 「皇帝 失格」[/b] I want to know if you're still our ally. 「あなたが今でも私たちの味方なのか知りたくって」 (Note: This line is in feminine form.) From Television Weekly [spoiler][url=http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010766331.jpg][img]http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010766331.jpg[/img][/url] Lelouch, losing his position after being exiled by the Black Knights, heads toward Kaminejima to have his final showdown with the Emperor. In the mean time, Schenizel declars that the current Emperor is no longer qualified as a king, and orders Suzaku to assassinate the Emperor.[/spoiler] [b]Turn 21- Connection of Ragnarok 「ラグナレク の 接続」[/b] The world takes off and throws away the deceiving mask, and discloses the truth. 「世界は欺瞞という仮面を脱ぎ捨て、真実をさらけ出す」 [b]Turn 22- Emperor Lelouch 「皇帝 ルルーシュ」[/b] Is this an attempt to completely regenerate Britannia? 「完全にブリタニアを作り替える気か……」 [b]Turn 23- (no title yet)[/b] Don't you understand what Schenizel has done!? 「君はシュナイゼルが何をしたのか、分っているのかい?」(Note: The "you" here is "kimi".)[/spoiler]
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Turn 20 is lol suza became a chicken bishmark had a geass lelouch is fabulous and lloyd is taller than gino lolwut? but then still YES YOUR HIGHNESS!!!11 :lol: [img]http://i33.tinypic.com/rs8y9j.jpg[/img]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^can i ask,were do you watch code geass r2?because as of now i still cant find a site that shows a subbed episode 20 but it seems all of you have already seen it!plsss help!
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

[b]Ep 20[/b] Okay, let's go to QUALITY first [url=http://i37.tinypic.com/2wnzqlz.jpg]Lelouch, You're kinda cool![/url] [url=http://i34.tinypic.com/35aknev.jpg]Nice Gun[/url] [url=http://cdimg2.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/08242008/2/6/8/e/268e855eb1f310_full.gif]Code Geass Billiards, The balls should take the green broken path..[/url] So, -Marianne was inside or lives on Anya's body. She didn't like to become immortal so she violated the contract by running away and put her soul to someone first then lastly to Anya. -C.C , out of nowhere, returns to the same old C.C again so suddenly. Give some decent explanation there, Sunrise. -Ougi lied to my poor self-proclaimed wife of Zero, Kaguya, and Orange too. Zero betrayed them , as they say, but it's more like the other way around isn't it? Fukin rage, Jewgi - the new Rossiu of 2008. If orange just knew it from the start, then I'd see some Orange rage on Ikagura. Damnit Ougi, just die already. -So Suzaku blaming Wakamoto now instead of Lelouch. But, oh wow he didn't know Wakamoto was an immortal , and even beat the crap out of Bismark. Pathetic Wannabe Knight of one is pathetic and wannabe. -Bismarck has a geass too I think.. oh ho. Where did he get that from.. -Grand Intrusion of Lelouch with spears and all. It was Garbulous. -So finally , a reunion with his father again, and blowing up the exit. Locking him and himself forever on that place though Lelouch will die first because obviously he's not an immortal. Though, they can have some planet-gazing on Jupiter , drink some tea, and play chess for awhile. -I wonder what Lelouch's reaction if he knows that Marianne is Anya. I'm seeing that Lelouch will turn out to be an emo again. -Overall, Mediocre episode thoroughout (so many plotholes, QUALITY, and rushed scenes ) not until the [url=http://i37.tinypic.com/1gmz6.jpg]final lines of Lelouch[/url]. Shi-t was so CASH. [url=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=lyE8YqrFI78]Extended 30 Sec Preview[/url] -Bismarck will now gonna be Schneizel's Knight. -Aurora Borealis -All about Marianne -Quality time between Lelouch and Wakamoto -The translation of Italian line means "Abandon all hope ye who enter here" [b] Also, Best .gif that I've seen today..[/b] [url=http://cdimg2.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/08242008/d/0/b/7/d0b7778f3f3ce0_full.gif]RUNZAKU, RUN![/url]

Last edited by ezil2007 (2008-08-24 19:34:39)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Epic summaries Ezil <3. And QUALITY is everywhere on this EP. I rage [s]a lil[/s] bit. There's lot of rushed scenes. C.C regains her memories rly fast after Anya barged into World of C. I wonder what's Marianne's geass. She got it from C.C, wasn't she? And I bet that Bismark got his geass from V.V. Fukken rage on Jewgi. The new Rossiu for this year. Diethard said that he is unfit to role teh BK since his only goal is to mamoru lol his beloved Villetard. Fabulous Intrusion of Lelouch on Kamine Island. And oh-- Chickenzaku. Run for his life. Orenji hasn't cancelled his geass -yet. So there will be Charles vs Lelouch - C.C - Anya (Marianne) inside the Sword of Akasha at the end. (?) I need explanation on what is the true purpose of Marianne. ;_; -- Anyway, for those who wants to watch Code Geass, go [url=http://www.animecrazy.net/]here.[/url]

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-08-24 23:12:58)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Spoiler from Weekly Newsletter. [spoiler][img]http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/8950/summk6.jpg[/img] The Emperor reveals the true reason for banishing Lelouch, and his intention to create a gentle world without lies. Lelouch is on the verge of reconciling with the Emperor, however, he changes his mind because the world the Emperor desires has no future, and rebels.[/spoiler] For those who wants Monica <3. [spoiler][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/lemurianmoon/2008Aug/monica.jpg[/img][/spoiler] Some said that she doesn't have a KMF. (Haha oh wow. KoR without KMF) But on that pic ^ She wears a pilot suit. New KoR. [spoiler][img]http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t116/1kbyte/untitled.jpg[/img][/spoiler] Knight of Four. Dorothy Ernst. http://www.geass.jp/world_03_ex.html?pid=chara_63.html ^ She looks liek Villetard. Anyway, here some lulz speculation from 2ch (Please bear with teh grammar): [spoiler][b]Bismark[/b] His geass is the knowledge of what a man fears allows him to understand any opponents weakness and exploit it. He shut his eye to avoid the pain it caused but even then, in battle his eye responds. This is why he blocked Shenhu deliberately from protecting the chinese moving fortress He pledges loyalty to schneizel but this is a ruse. He frees Gino and then saves him later from Suzaku but dies. [b]Charles[/b] Amused by his sons antics and unawareness to the truth charles informs lelouch of the reality of geass, the history of the world, Marianne, CC and VV. He and geass die. His will, similar to Nunally's althought twisted, is passed to Lelouch. [b]Lelouch[/b] Is shaken by the revelations brought fourth by Charles, he calls his father a liar but is debunked by Marianne and CC appearing, confronting Charles. He is saved by CC in the conflict. [b]CC[/b] Her name is revealed. Both of her wishes are granted. One CC disappears. One spoiler says that she brings up Kallen (but it seems rather contrived). [b]Marianne[/b] Her plans are revealed by Charles. Lelouch snaps on everyone over Nunally, Euphemia, Shirley, and even Rolo for having died for lies. Schneizel's involvement becomes clear. Anya survives. [b]Kallen[/b] Spends her time in Lelouch's room (one spec said crying) and is found byKaguya. At first Kallen lies to Kaguya that Zero is dead but Kaguya questions this and Kallen eventually breaks. Kaguya realizes the truth about Kallen and reinstates the three court ladies of Lelouch. [b]Suzaku[/b] First finds himself under ground but is quickly rescued. Acquires the Albion and fights under Schneizel as the KoO against the KoO of Charles. Bismark is severly out gunned, even with assistance from Gino. [b]Gino[/b] Tristan is heavily damaged in the fight against Suzaku. The great britannia recovers the Tristan. Gino interacts with the knight of twelve (Monica). [b]Cornelia[/b] Begins to question Schneizel and begins to, again, seek the trurth behind the lies. [b]Lelouch's Army[/b] Kaguya, Kallen, Xing-Ke, Ko12, Gino, Anya. They form a second faction within Britannia's coup. Schneizel and the UNF square off. Some of the royal family works with Schneizel, Oddyseus goes against his brother. [b]Ko12 and Gino Thing (a bit odd)[/b] The remodeled Tristan is piloted by the ko12 as her specialty is close quarter combat and the damage to the Tristan forces it to give up a large portion of its mobility and ranged weaponry. She has no personal kmf and normally serves as a tactician and leader. One spec stated that they are close, with gino holding a large amount of respect for her.[/spoiler]

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-08-25 23:13:07)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Oh great, the first female black character in Geass. Isn't it a bit late for her to come up? We have only 5 episodes left! Also, Turn 23 - Scneize's Mask Turn 24 - Sky of Damonclus Turn 25 - [Re:] Seems Schneizel will be the final boss not Wakamoto. And.. Here's an official noodle art from CLAMP. [spoiler][img]http://cdimg3.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/08252008/e/9/9/f/e99f20b47eccc0_full.jpg[/img][/spoiler] So Fabulous.

Last edited by ezil2007 (2008-08-26 00:01:42)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^ Yeah. It's a bit late. I hope she won't be another 2-sec-screentiem chara just liek those lolis valkyrie. But I bet even she will die on teh next EPs, no one will rage for her. Oh Lelouch looks so fabulous there. With Emperor suit. Only 5 EPs left. ;_;
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

ladies and gentlemen I killed my parents i got my bestfriend back and my slave moe and i am promoted as a new emperor of britannia what a day isn't? i also obtain two eyed geass and geass all those brit fags and all of them are in mai command now spinzaku promoted as ninjazaku(sayoko's son? lolwut?) [img]http://i38.tinypic.com/10f1gnq.jpg[/img] [spoiler]lol charles [b]EMPEROR DASH!!!!!111[/b] [img]http://i34.tinypic.com/2q099q8.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-08-31 05:04:07)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

i am starting to idoloize lelouch more...than schiffer! Lelouch is so freaking awesome... a total genius!! everyone seems liked you have almost finished watching it........ :ninja:

Last edited by mCdeviL (2008-08-31 05:24:07)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

Well, well, well, This episode explained all the truth and shi-t behind R2. Based on my thoughts, not animesuki, or anything. [spoiler]-Back on the hell days of livin' on the era were assasination were roaming free, The four agreed to create a new world without lies and only kind people will live in that world. -V.V killed Marianne because of jealousy, Marianne being close to Emperor that lead to lies and tragedy. -Marianne transferred her soul on a spectator - Anya , with her Geass -Nunnaly was forced to become the witness of that tragedy. -Wakamoto knew that V.V killed Wakamoto's wife, his anger had grown within him but not until he knew that Marianne used geass to Anya. -C.C knew the truth, he left V.V, V.V's followers, the rest, and the world but captured in the hands of V.V (see episode 1 of CG Season 1). -They planned a plot against V.V. and in order to save anyone, For Anya and Nunnaly's case, Wakamoto rewrote their memories. Anya forgot anything , and Nunnaly became blind. For Lelouch, Wakamoto sent him to Japan. -For creating a new world, where people and the dead's conscious will become into one (End of Evangelion reference) and for a blissful place just like Nunnaly and Euphie said, Wakamoto established Ragnarok connection, Killing unidentified Gods / Jupiter / World of C with Sword of Akasha with the aid of Thoughts of Elevator. -Lelouch disagreed about her parent's belief, ranting about why did they abandoned him and Nunnaly , didn't stop Japan - Britannia War , just thinking about their goals , and they didn't even cared about all the people livin' and the dead. Kindness through understanding towards each other that Nunnaly's belief seems right. -Ragnarok had already begun , but Lelouch destroyed it by wishing on World of C to stop it. His parent's dreams were shattered, the Sword of Akasha and the system went down , thus , Marianne had vanished. Wakamoto had vanished as well because he had been absorbed by the World of C. C.C didn't vanish because she turned down against their plans. -Lelouch gathered the Royal Family and the Britannians to announced something. He used his father's name to do it. He then proclaimed himself as the 99th Emperor of Britannia and Suzaku as his Knight of Zero. He used his geass on people, and yelled "ALL HAIL LELOUCH" at the end. -Schneizel's plan is about to start.[/spoiler] Thoughts on this episode [spoiler]It seems that Sunrise gave off the answers on this episode, well almost all the necessary points and plotholes on the show, and it's a good thing. It's pretty ironic that the one who rebelled against Britannia will become a new emperor. As long as Lelouch and Suzaku are teaming-up against Schneizel 's force, they're invinsible. I said it before, I really hoping that Gino and Anya to follow Lelouch. Also, I believe that Nunnaly is under Schneizel's care and will be the sacrifice on Sky of Damonclus (Fs/N reference) and Lelouch must stop it no matter what. Orange is missin'in action on this episode, I wonder what he's up to. Also, If he knew that Lelouch had also killed Marianne, he can explain it to him that has happened. So Lelouch and Schneizel's Role has been reversed. Lelouch running Britannia and Schneizel running BK and UFN. Hahaha oh wow. Overall, 8/10. Nicely done by Sunrise.Code Geass is about to an end. Lookin' forward to the next episodes and afterwards.[/spoiler] Preview, Schneizel and Lelouch's Plan, Kallen's feelings towards Lelouch, Bismarck's Geass, what's gonna Kaguya will do, etc. Also, ROCKETMOTO images, anyone? [spoiler][img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z69/ezil_2007/wat/1220175391825.jpg[/img] [img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z69/ezil_2007/wat/1220179309579.jpg[/img] [img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z69/ezil_2007/wat/1220181421159.jpg[/img] [img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z69/ezil_2007/wat/1220182732441.jpg[/img] [img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z69/ezil_2007/wat/1220183386314.jpg[/img] [img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z69/ezil_2007/wat/1220183693282.jpg[/img] [img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z69/ezil_2007/wat/1220192538804.jpg[/img] [img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z69/ezil_2007/wat/1220197348321.jpg[/img] [img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z69/ezil_2007/wat/1220198285578.jpg[/img] [img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z69/ezil_2007/wat/1220198488477.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

Last edited by ezil2007 (2008-08-31 21:32:20)

  • » [align=center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/4/9391.jpg[/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

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