Pages: 112345677

  2008-08-22 19:33:57

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img][/img][/align] [quote]One year after the incidents of the first season and the failure of the Black Rebellion, headed by Zero's Bl

^ Me want Gundam 00 too. Sunday is upcoming. Here's some keywords from Newsletter. [spoiler][b]Turn 20- Emperor Disqualification 「皇帝 失格」[/b] I want to know if you're still our ally. 「あなたが今でも私たちの味方なのか知りたくって」 (Note: This line is in feminine form.) From Television Weekly [spoiler][url=][img][/img][/url] Lelouch, losing his position after being exiled by the Black Knights, heads toward Kaminejima to have his final showdown with the Emperor. In the mean time, Schenizel declars that the current Emperor is no longer qualified as a king, and orders Suzaku to assassinate the Emperor.[/spoiler] [b]Turn 21- Connection of Ragnarok 「ラグナレク の 接続」[/b] The world takes off and throws away the deceiving mask, and discloses the truth. 「世界は欺瞞という仮面を脱ぎ捨て、真実をさらけ出す」 [b]Turn 22- Emperor Lelouch 「皇帝 ルルーシュ」[/b] Is this an attempt to completely regenerate Britannia? 「完全にブリタニアを作り替える気か……」 [b]Turn 23- (no title yet)[/b] Don't you understand what Schenizel has done!? 「君はシュナイゼルが何をしたのか、分っているのかい?」(Note: The "you" here is "kimi".)[/spoiler]

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