[b]@ baby_liz[/b]
after u declared ur image url at this part
[quote]var wipe_imgs=new Array(
u also need to put the url of image at this part.
so it will be like this.
[quote]var wipe_array=new Array(
'<span class="wipe1">[b]<img src="http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u84/bloody_parrot/?action=view�t=sddsa.jpg">[/b]</span>',1000,
'<span class="wipe2">hEy gUyz..wEc0Me 2 maH paGe.</span>',2500,
'<span class="wipe3">d0n'T 4get 2 dr0po me sUm c0Mments,0k??</span>',2500,
'<span class="wipe2">fRnDz naH LaGi taH ??..hihih..if not..</span>',2500,
'<span class="wipe3">aDd me up at blacked_liz@yahoo.com..</span>',2500
Last edited by andHa (2008-01-27 09:58:45)