[b]@ soxyzhane[/b]
your bground color same with your text color.
so that u couldn't see your text.
try to change the bground color, this part

[quote]body { background-color:[color=red]#000000[/color]; color:black; overflow:hidden }[/quote]
change it to white for example, the hex value of white color is [b]#ffffff[/b]
and about your image.
u need to make it like this

[quote]var wipe_array=new Array(
'<span class="wipe1"><img scr="http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/gloomyxane/1_299797980l.jpg"></span>',1000,
'<span class="wipe3"><img src"http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/gloomyxane/1_184436901l.jpg"></span>',2500,
'<span class="wipe2"><img src="http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/gloomyxane/1_849213326l.jpg"></span>',2500,
'<span class="wipe3"><img src="http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/gloomyxane/Animation37.gif"></span>',2500
[b]@ coffeNcoke[/b]
put the redirection code at the very top of ur js external file.