• » Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

Pages: 123

Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

^ Poor you coz i can.. :D Ako bisaya pud sus daghan man diay ta diri mag kasinabot.. [quote=`mizeL][quote=meng.o3]:arrow:[b] i know dota but i don't play it.. i don't have it in my pc.. but i see my friends play it in the comp shop near our tambayan.. and it is really good the way i see it..somewhat like battle realms (which i used to play)... but i still like counterstrike better than it.. ^^,[/b][/quote] :crybaby: i dont play dotA, but i want to! i'm just afraid i might be addicted to that, since the last counter strike when i was still 12..now im 18 and still good at it, not better anymoe.. =([/quote] Oi nice to see a hot chick like you is willing to play some manly games..
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

[quote=Xian]^ Poor you coz i can.. :D Oi nice to see a hot chick like you is willing to play some [b]manly[/b] games..[/quote] :lol: weird cuz maraming babae naglalaro ng d.o.t.a sa amin.. believe me, magagaling mga babae sa taktika, hayuf. =) OT: taga iligan ako, kayo?
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

I rarely see chick play DOTA in our place and I sure would want to meet or battle with one too.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

I do play DotA.. And I'm the only girl who plays dota here in our shop.. But still...because several online games approaching to the phils..I stopped dota for 8 months.. Fan ako ni Spectre and Priestess of the Moon.. But I dont think my skills on DotA is still here... (Naglaro kami ni bob ng DotA..1on1 Abadon and Soulkeeper..na dc ako sayang. Then nag AI na talo pa..Bob used Rikimaru pero hindi nia pina Sange and Yasha agad. >.>)

Last edited by Resha (2007-02-07 01:57:46)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

[quote=Xian]Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:[/quote] EVERYONE plays DOTA here. argh. LOL I wantED to.. but I'm addicted to someTHING else! :P and yeah, my classmates and schoolmates and housemates and neighbors WOULDN'T stop talking about DOTA. it irritates me sometimes. hehehehe.. WHAT CAN I DO?! When one starts opening a DOTA topic, it wouldn't stop NO MATTER WHAT I DO! and I'm left all alone, talking to myself.. :( LOL! :lol: hey, I couldn't understand them.. you can't blame me? weee... :|
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

hmm.. i wonder why this thread havent been active now. is DotA phased off in your shops? cuz i still play this game up to now with my classmates :D . and about some girls who play DotA, well, i have a lot of female classmates who play this game. i onced taught my girl classmates on how to play it, and slowly they learned, got hooked, until they can now play with us guys head-on ([i]magka-level na kami :D[/i] )
Twisted Destiny
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

Ako. DotA player din. Favorite Heroes ko sila Vengful Spirit,Ezalor,Omniknight, at si Kardel.
black seraphim
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

I really love this game. My favorite heroes are Mortred, Vengeful Spirit and Medusa. Can you share your hero killing strategies on a 3 vs 3 game or 5 vs 5 game?
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

I HATE DOTA!!!! =D :thumbsdown: JOKE!!!! :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

DOTA?! I play DOTA and i am addict to play DOTA :D -apnp! using Lord of Avernus always :lol:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

^ Abaddon is also one of my favorite heroes =D. Speaking of which, I had just played DotA again after 2 months with my friends yesterday, and I used Abaddon. With an Assualt Cuirass combined with Sange and Yasha, along with Power Treads and firstier regen items only, I owned =D.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

Been Playing Dota Since 5.98 v... since Doom bringer is like Magtheridon... and it's ulti..(doom) lasts 18secs... hahaha... now at 6.43 it just only 12secs.. haha!! im a dota addict... just like friendster... :lol: :lol: :lol:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

Ohh? Dota... Hmmm.... Well,I`m more of a helper... To my groupmates in playing.... I`m the one who study a lot... So i know what hero to use to counter one.... Example... Tidehunter can counter Lucifer due to its Kraken Shell... I love Techies... Especially the Suicide... Bang!!!!!!!!!!!
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

I play dota!! wakoko... I like the hero Viper a.k.a. Netherdrake...he's very cool....he is a poison type...wakoko :eh: :thumbsup: :D =)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

I play GG client add me up: naosukewafu
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

[quote=iNusZenTe_uno]:ninja: doom....... mortred......lina...... :P int.. type hero is only strong frm the start in the end... str.. conquers... it...... sven ;] life stealer dnt need str... agi is enough... 3 cranium basher plus buriza...then change it 2 butterfly that woud be enough to tke cre all of the other heroes... =D[/quote] lifestealer doesnt need a butterfly.. just focus in increasing the damage and life.. lifestealer's agi is already enough.. its agi increase per level is very high.. so you dont have to wori bowt the agi.. int isnt needed.. all you need to do is to focus in its damage.. buriza would be great.. a basher would be helpful for those who will try to use town portal.. satanic and/or heart is also important coz lifestealer has a very little hp.. well you can also add hyperstone or sny if ur not satisfied with the attack speed.. but i really dont thnk butterfly is needed.. and yeah my favrte would be...... razor.. yeah.. lol.. and yeah one thing, agility heroes are dangerous during late game.. even strength heroes wil be having a hard time bcoz of their attack speed and because of misses. sven would be my favrte strength hero.. zues among int... =)

Last edited by nicondo (2007-06-18 07:07:14)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

Me also is dota addict and I try to stop playing dota but I can't do it..I play dota everyday..everytime I have seen a net cafe I was attracted to play dota.. :wallbash: Play also dota in GG client.. My favorite heroes is Razor, and some I used Sven, Viper, Zeus, Akasha, Jarakal, Vengeful, Jakiro, Lich, Venomancer, Mogul Khan, Pudge, Doom, Sandking, and many more..

Last edited by hardy_boy (2007-06-19 03:04:51)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

hayzz... DOTA is just like friendster... if friendster is the no.1 site most visited in the philippines.. then DOTA is the no.1 game played by most filipinos.. waaaaaaaaaaaaahh.. me playin dota for 3 years... hayzzzzzzzzzz.... [b]BEST HERO:[/b] TROLL WARLORD... =D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

dota anyone???
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

i like the new heroes Lanaya, Thunderkieg and Undying. who knows where to Download AI+ of 6.44b?
  • » Anyone play DOTA here?? Well it's a modified game of WarCraft III: Frozen Throne... It's a major fad in our place and the internet cafe's is filled with people playing it.. :midfinger:

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