Re: Hi guys,
Its just small scripting i've made to use [b]Flash Navigation[/b].
[b]Credits to Sis Annanyeep :arrow: [url=]Menu Navigation[/url][/b]
The Custom Flash Navigation Code
//Change Navigation
document.getElementById("mainnav").innerHTML="<div id='flash nav' align='center'>"+
"<embed src='"+
"&pgUID=58352413' "+
"menu='false' quality='high' wmode='transparent' width='1200' [b]allowScriptAccess='always' [/b]height='40' scale='noscale' align='middle' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='' /></div>";
Add that allowScriptAccess='always' to you code it will make the links work.. like the code on top