[quote][align=center]Former Thread Title: [b]YM Three-Status Sidebar Add-on (New Look!)[/b]
Status #1: Online
Status #2: Offline
Status #3: Server Is Busy
[align=center]Are you getting sick of how your YM Status Indicator looks like?
Then, [u][b]JUST USE YOUR OWN IMAGES![/b][/u][/align]
[align=center]That's right! YOU CAN REALLY USE ANY IMAGE YOU PREFER.
Just like the [i][b]crappy[/b][/i] one below:[/align]

[i][b]OTHER PREVIEWS (Remember YOU MAY USE YOUR OWN) : [/b][/i]

[b]Option 1: [u]SHORT METHOD[/u] - Generator[/b] [i](Updated 28 July 2009)[/i]
[spoiler][align=center]I am an engineer and NOT a real coder/programmer.
So, please bear with me and my simple generator.
Here is the link:

[b]Option 2: [u]LONG METHOD[/u] - Tutorial[/b] [i](Updated 10 March 2008)[/i]
[spoiler]If the generator doesn't work for you, better try this one. It may be a little more complex, but who knows, maybe this will work for you instead.
[b]STEP 1:[/b] Save the images below in your computer.

[b]Online Icon[/b] Save it as [b]ymon.gif[/b]

[b]Offline Icon[/b] Save it as [b]ymoff.gif[/b]

[b]Server Busy Icon[/b] Just choose one below and save it as [b]ymuk.gif[/b]
[b]You can actually use any image you want[/b] as long as you rename them as ymon.gif, ymoff.gif, ymuk.gif just to [b]conform with this code[/b].
[b]STEP 2:[/b] Upload the files and take note of the URL of the uploaded images.
[b]STEP 3:[/b] Edit the code below and paste it in your external JS inside the onload handler.
[b]Code: As a sidebar add-on[/b]
You need knowledge in JS, i used here [b]addbox function for wvm3.1.1[/b].. Sorry if the code's too messed up

It's because I just generated it using a sidebar generator... nevertheless, it's the one i'm using in my profile...
<">[b]Edit the following:[/b]

[b]crystjanus[/b] to your YM ID
[b]NOTE[/b]: the URL you are going to edit in these three parts of the code does not include the [b]http://[/b] part. the fourth one you are going to edit requires the [b]http://[/b] part.

[b]IMAGEURL1A[/b] to the URL of your ymon.gif
Example1, you uploaded [b]ymon.gif[/b] in ripway (with username of [b]xzio[/b]) and the COMPLETE URL of the uploaded image is: [u]
http://h1.ripway.com/xzio/ymon.gif[/u] then you just have to replace [b]IMAGEURL1A[/b] in the code with [b]h1.ripway.com/xzio/ymon.gif[/b] only.

[b]IMAGEURL2A[/b] to the URL of your ymoff.gif
Example2, you uploaded [b]ymoff.gif[/b] in photobucket (with username of [b]xzio[/b]) and the COMPLETE URL of the uploaded image is: [u]
http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/cj621/xzio/ymoff.gif[/u] then you just have to replace [b]IMAGEURL2A[/b] in the code with [b]i251.photobucket.com/albums/cj621/xzio/ymoff.gif[/b] only.

[b]IMAGEURL3A[/b] to the URL of your ymuk.gif
Example3, you uploaded [b]ymuk.gif[/b] in ripway (with username of [b]xzio[/b]) and the COMPLETE URL of the uploaded image is: [u]
http://h1.ripway.com/xzio/ymuk.gif[/u] then you just have to replace [b]IMAGEURL3A[/b] in the code with [b]h1.ripway.com/xzio/ymuk.gif[/b] only.

[b]IMAGEURL3B[/b] to the [b]COMPLETE URL [/b]of your ymuk.gif
Example4, you uploaded [b]ymuk.gif[/b] in ripway (with username of [b]xzio[/b]) and the COMPLETE URL of the uploaded image is: [u]
http://h1.ripway.com/xzio/ymuk.gif[/u] then you have to replace [b]IMAGEURL3B[/b] in the code with [b]
http://h1.ripway.com/xzio/ymuk.gif[/b] as a whole.
[b]Edit Position of Add-on:[/b]
To change the location of the add-on, you'll have to change the two bold terms in this part of the code:
[quote]addBox("[b]RIGHT[/b]","In YAHOO Msgr, crystjanus",m0,"ymstatus","[b]2[/b]");[/quote]
Replace [b]RIGHT[/b] and [b]2[/b] with: Makes YM Status located above the:
LEFT 0 Control Panel
LEFT 1 Photo Gallery
LEFT 13 Blogs
LEFT 12 Reviews
LEFT 6 More About
LEFT 18 Comments and Testimonials
LEFT 10 Media Box
RIGHT 15 Meettrail
RIGHT 2 Featured Friends
RIGHT 14 Google Ads
RIGHT 8 Groups[/spoiler]
[quote][b]NOTE:[/b] Please make sure you have wvm 3.1.1 to use the addbox function of this code. If not, replace only the addbox function. Hope it works. If there are any problems, like i said, feel free to ask and i'll try my best to provide solutions.[/quote]

[spoiler]This is a modified version of [b]pinkiztah[/b]'s YM Status Icon 2...
[b]CREDITS:[/b] for [url]http://xeeber.com[/url], the site where I got the images from.
I just want to thank sir [i]lordheinz[/i], sir [i]KhErMiNaTo[/i]R, maam [i]mylaedylilly[/i], and [i]kkaik[/i] for their encouragement.

For everybody, you can report this topic to the moderators if you feel to do so. Anyway, i think it differs a little from the already posted YM STATUS CODES since this one [b]uses three status indicators[/b], it's [b]a mainbar/sidebar add-on[/b], and it has a [b]new look[/b]. am i right??

Last edited by xdarksaint (2009-07-28 05:02:38)