[quote=OuToFReAcH][quote=`mizeL]^ wow...cool.... i know how to ride that one, hehe!!

rili? u hav that stuff too???

i learned it when i was still at elementary. the one that has clutch!


no, my mom owns it...don't wanna own like that b/c i'm afraid of accidents! nyahahahay! but still uses it...

[i]*edited[/i]--> [i]was 16 when i learned to drive[/i]
[quote=*kim-a-holic]Mizel: Are you the girl (3rd to the last?) or the girl with the short hair?[/quote]

yup...short hair b/c that pic was taken last summer (may)... so, long hair n ngaun!! nyahahay!

anyways, ang cute n nmn ng latest post pic nyo!
Last edited by `mizeL (2006-11-03 20:02:06)