[quote=FoRsAkEnKiD]1st warning:
-> [b]admin[/b]

rule violated:
-> double posting in this thead:

just joking Sir. nyahaha

. awryt, i just came to know about this feaure. this is definitely what we've been waiting for

Haha, you're really strict! lolz .. even admin, you didn't pass him!

[quote]and weng-neechan, you sure are on a Strict-Mode spree there. heheh. good. ill get to work too after im done of my exams.
and btw, i think ^_goonglover_^ already edited her post

Yeah, she edited that one already.
1st Warning:
Violated Rule #1 (again?!)
[url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?pid=47029#p47029]Post #423[/url]
-------------------------Added again-------------------
1st warning:
[b]`mizeL [/b][i](ehem)[/i]
Violated Rule #3
[url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?pid=47029#p47029]Post #424[/url]
Last edited by `mizeL (2007-03-28 12:35:13)