[quote=portuniecho]I want to discuss this matter. Shall we remove her cursed status now or what?. Duration period is already over.

Considering this line, [b]Ban his account for two months if he still continue to break rules[/b]. I would like to say that her account has to be banned. Look at her posts here
http://theftalk.com/t48628-p2-Somebody-ripped-our-works%21.html She is continually annoy Ephemeral, and never give up to annoy him. She didn't even respect or good-mannered, as you can see from her post.
[quote=ykisaragi16]would you like me to argue on this matter again???? ill be the one to elaborate your rules....
and i would like to say this,,,, almost all moderators desire to execute those punishments....
yes all you have the power even the owner of this site is at your sides....[/quote]
And her post here
Seriously, she could just leave this forum for her pete sake. It's like she is trying to be AN HERO but phailed. /facefloor
Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-12-19 02:27:09)