[b]codes updated by Sir KaNaLiTnUk[/b]
This is the update script sir Lordheinz

[quote][u]Credits for :[/u]


Jagcopra for the document.write idea in his snow effect thread[/quote]
Here is another flying image script. Just replace the URL IMAGE with your own OK

<">Save it as [b].js[/b] file (for example : flying.js). And then use this document.write script and put it on top of your main JS

<">Change the JS URL with your flying.js URL

If you want to put lots of image, just edit this script in the main flying.js script :
[quote]var floatimages=new Array();
floatimages[0]='URL IMAGE 1';
floatimages[1]='URL IMAGE 2';
floatimages[2]='URL IMAGE 3';
floatimages[3]='URL IMAGE 4';
floatimages[4]='URL IMAGE 5';
floatimages[5]='URL IMAGE 6';[/quote]
Last edited by ducheszv (2008-03-22 04:08:45)