[quote=jmaex3]@Jesse: Haha. You crack me up sometimes, Jesse[/quote]
I know. It's hard work being so funny.

[quote=jmaex3]Try some whiskey.[/quote]
I don't drink anymore.

I'll drink again next year when I visit Phils and start partying like you do.

I have some benedryl (<==spelling?) which usually knocks me out, but the problem is I usually don't realize that I can't sleep until it's too late to take it. 'Cause when I take that stuff, I'm usually "out" for 12 hours.

[quote=jmaex3][u should add me on YM:][/quote]
Well, now, if you give me your YM ID I can do that, but it's hard to do if I don't know it. What? Am I psychic?

Or you can add me ===> [b]infamous.jpower[/b]
Well, I'll miss ya this weekend. Thanks for liking my ava. I don't that will be enough to make me keep it much longer, though.

[spoiler]By the way, did you notice that Rockstars has a new leader??[/spoiler]
**conceited mode**

[b]Patna[/b]...take note of my new YM ID, too. ^
[quote=heroinslither]i need to catch up on a lot of school activities that i missed. making up activities is GAY.[/quote]
Well, just do what ya gotta do to get caught up so you can make good grades.