[quote=snypzelle]haha. why don'tyou rest for a while?

I don't wanna sleep

, how could i call u btw?

[quote=god2014]no probs bro how are you bro?[/quote]
here kinda bored, hahaha u?
[quote=losher29]sup kuya[/quote]
zup? haha me, just hanging around here, haha
[quote=oOpunkrockeranimeOo]Hey guys!! I'm...done..eating..ehehe.
Fine, I admit that took long!
I watch TV while I eat okay..
And the food was delicious.
For Appetizer, Salad...
For the main dish...Chicken..
For Desert, Rocky Road Ice Cream..
Okay fine, we ordered them from the outside!
So what's up?
I see these people online...
helow ate o!!, haha u had a nice foods out there, u make me starve

haha, zup ate o?