whew!!! just finished reading five(5) pages of posts!!!
ok, let me start:
@[b]Sis. Angeli:[/b]
[b]ROCKSTARS[/b] it is!!
@[b]Bro. Jesse & Lt. Maj Jar:[/b]
There are really lots of members here who are also Cradle members. Sis Angeli is one of the Contributor and Graphic Designer at The Cradle. I am also a member of Tha Cradle, here is the link: [url]http://the-cradle.users-board.com/[/url] Please feel free to visit the place, it's really cool! trust me!
@[b]Bro. Guille and Sis Hayley:[/b]
Misya, mates!!!
Glad to see you around!
@[b]Gen. Moyo:[/b]
We have noticed some of the members "left" and "joined" other group, but that's ok, we have new members as well! Kepp up the good job, General!
@[b]Sis Eunich:[/b]
Wheww!!! I like "mani" so much!!! LOLZ!!
Welcome 3x to ROCKSTARS!!! Keep rockin'
@[b]Sis Melody:[/b]
Hope to meet you in the Fil. Section once again, hahaha!!
In my personal views, I believe that it is alright to create a new group similar to Rockstars, it is their decision and they are free to do that. But nothing can be compared to the original, ROCKSTARS, we are still the best and un-beatable!:thunder:
Keep rockin' mates!!
Executor Jie (from Northrend, MARS)