• » [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

its not working... havnt change anything with my codes... what do you think is the problem... wait ill try to check my codes on ripway...
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

btw.. can you help me guys.... im not into editting for almost a year now... hehe.... here's my js link.... just edit it then post it then ill try it in my profile... http://h1.ripway.com/wwackywizards/wvmpic.js Thanks a lot...
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[quote=wwackywizards]btw.. can you help me guys.... im not into editting for almost a year now... hehe.... here's my js link.... just edit it then post it then ill try it in my profile... http://h1.ripway.com/wwackywizards/wvmpic.js Thanks a lot...[/quote] hmmm i see some ajax in your code... just to remind you though, it will not work as friendster doesn't allow cross site ajax... i've tried it before but it didn't work... you can use the iframe ajax technique though... or the least, hidden divs... you may be interested with my js too: [url]http://xyryx.awardspace.com/canopy/loader.js[/url] which you can check out on my profile how it was implemented... me and my cousin were workin on it as an easy to use friendster tweaking javascript framework but we got busy with loads of work so it's currently at a halt... plus we got into a little trouble with some copyright issues or whatever... *i hope he has forgiven us already...

Last edited by Cryogenix (2008-08-05 11:19:09)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

someone help me.. it seems like the css don't work in "Media Section" or "About Me" or "WIWTM"...! what's happening???
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[quote=myra]someone help me.. it seems like the css don't work in "Media Section" or "About Me" or "WIWTM"...! what's happening???[/quote] check your codes,, and try repeating the whole procedure again,, linkers are working fine. hmm
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

For those who are having problems with the linker not working.. [spoiler] Just found out that Friendster's vulnerability is getting worse. Maybe they're just resetting some codes. Anyway, try these linkers if you want a fast loading profile or you are having problems with the linkers in the first page. :) [b]CSS Linker in your Media Box:[/b] <">[b]JS Linker in your Media Box:[/b] <">It also works in About Me or Who I Want To Meet. [/spoiler] I know this is an early release, but why not take the chance? :lol:

Last edited by xavierkym (2008-08-05 12:56:06)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

In most case if the linker codes are not working lately it is because of their codes or like me friendster took away the media box for a day :wallbash:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[quote=xavierkym]Just found out that Friendster's vulnerability is getting worse.[/quote] yeah... i just found out one too via one of my profile viewers (which overlay's so cool! -> [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/16463110[/url]) that mootools is available! woot!

Last edited by Cryogenix (2008-08-05 13:10:54)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[quote=xavierkym]I know this is an early release, but why not take the chance? :lol:[/quote] that was actually released august 2 and posted aug 4 in the thread below... http://theftalk.com/t40547-JS-%26-CSS-Linker-%28Update-04-08-08%29.html
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

better to understand the instruction
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[quote=kawaiiShaira]that was actually released august 2 and posted aug 4 in the thread below...[/quote] Yes that is true many have had the linker for some time but think about it, the more different linkers used now the better chance Friendster will find and block all of them =)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

i've already thought of that... that's why i quoted xavierkym and posted the link to a closed thread of the same linker... [quote=bobcbar]Yes that is true many have had the linker for some time but think about it, the more different linkers used now the better chance Friendster will find and block all of them =)[/quote] shouldn't you be telling that to him and not to me?
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[quote=kawaiiShaira]shouldn't you be telling that to him and not to me?[/quote] I was only agreeing with you. He is a moderator here and I am sure knows what he is doing.
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

@xav: why did friendster stop filtering the codes ? system malfuncton maybe ? :paranoid: i dunno what they are up to .. :wasted:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[quote=darylldelfin]i dunno what they are up to[/quote] Me too! Even codes I used almost two years ago are working again :o
Yellow Flash
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

grrrr...... soemone shared the comment linker.... grrr :evil: hayzzzz.... this linker still works but why that f*ol shared the linker.... @topic: linker still working...
TA Juleigtin Siahaan
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

wew :D :D [b]>> All[/b] Honestly..I have shared <script> tag linker first in the backstage :) I dunno why the linker was shared to public :wallbash: But..It's no problem =D Friendster is so strange and getting mad nowadays =D I'm sure they are trying to survey all our file hostings =) Just wait what will be happened next month :lol: I'm so sure they will block some file hostings :wallbash: or the worse is they will disable all linkers :crybaby: Btw,I use my own linker :) it is so different with all the other linkers :)

Last edited by TA Juleigtin Siahaan (2008-08-06 01:45:41)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

^ that's true .. well i read this and quoted it from [b]the-cradle [/b]: [spoiler] [quote]Important: We strongly advise that we all use these new standard linkers. Why? The following linkers do not contain any alterations in any manner, so Friendster will just filter them the way they are. If we use the altered linkers using hex, ascii, etc., those methods will be easily recognized by Friendster giving us lesser chances of looking for new methods. linker provided by: FS Team [b]CSS LINKER[/b] [quote]<link rel="stylesheet" href="LINK OF YOUR CSS">[/quote] [b]JS LINKER[/b] [quote]<script src="LINK OF YOUR JS"></script>[/quote] Paste the linkers in any of the following About Me Who I Want to Meet Media Box Why are these vectors released? It's simple. Friendster left all holes open without any filters. Just a personal observation, they intentionally did that to collect data about your host sites. And if they finish gathering host links, maybe they will ban those host sites in their system like what they did with ripway.com... so while the holes are still open, insert your new linkers and try not to touch them again so they will have chances of not being filtered. The linkers don't revert but we need to be careful and always be ready of any surprise fs updates. So once again, after injecting and saving your linkers... DO NOT TOUCH THEM. And be always ready of worm spreaders because the comments area is vulnerable at this time. better update your comments and DO NOT ACCEPT COMMENTS AUTOMATICALLY. Alternative Linkers [b]1. Image Linkers[/b] [quote]<img width="1" src="" onerror="a=document.createElement('script');a.src='LINK OF JS';navBg.appendChild(a)">[/quote] [quote]<img width="1" src="http://images.friendster.com/images/friendster_nav_logo.png" onload="a=document.createElement('script');a.src='LINK OF JS';navBg.appendChild(a)">[/quote] [b] 2. Body Tag Linker[/b] [quote]<body onload="a=document.createElement('script');a.src='LINK OF JS';navBg.appendChild(a)">[/quote] [b]3. Input Linkers[/b] [quote]<input type="image" width="1" src="" onerror="a=document.createElement('script');a.src='LINK OF JS';navBg.appendChild(a)">[/quote] [quote]<input type="image" width="1" src="http://images.friendster.com/images/friendster_nav_logo.png" onload="a=document.createElement('script');a.src='LINK OF JS';navBg.appendChild(a)">[/quote] [/quote] [/spoiler] i also advice to use all the stated linkers in all fields , and use it with many different files (blank files) just in case friendster closed again the hole , u will still have many reserve urls..and easily fill up the blank files .. :eh:
Angell de Ville
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan]I dunno why the linker was shared to public :wallbash:[/quote] It was actually shared to public to save all your other linkers. If a linker everybody will use contains no alterations, then fs will have a hard time figuring out what kind of filter evasions you guys are using... [spoiler]Anda tidak mesti menunggu selama satu bulan. Pada 16 Agustus, akan ada lain memperbarui... lolz[/spoiler]
TA Juleigtin Siahaan
» FTalkAgent
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Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

wew :D :D [b]>> Angell de Ville[/b] wow..:o :o you can speak Indonesian Language :o Thanks for ur reply bro..=) I get ur point :thumbsup: I'm so surprised that you can speak Indonesian :wallbash:
  • » [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

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