[b]Bridget and Pop[/b] Thanks XD
[spoiler]I just wanna share you my Newly Created Safari Theme.

It took me 1 day to finish that. With the codings and images. Haha.

Pink Theme ^.^
[url=http://i38.tinypic.com/6iy1s9.png]I want to look Closer![/url]
[b]How can you do those?[/b]
[i]A little experiment. You can find it Use [url=http://google.com]Google[/url]. I learn doing those stuffs from Google and A little help of My Mamu [/i]
[b]Can you make me one?[/b]
[i]Sorry. Im not good on making those-- it took a lot of tiem. =_=. Im soo sorry. T.T[/i]
[b]Why do you use pink?[/b]
[i]Because-- i liek PINK. So Girly. It makes me feel COMFORTABLE. [/i]
[b]Does it just work in Safari?[/b]
[i]Yeah. It just work on Safari.

[b]Can you Make Other Themes for other browsers too?[/b]
[i]I'll try to practice but i never try to make one wif IE, Opera, FF.

[b]Are you great on making those?[/b]
[i]No im just a newbie on making those-- its my VERY FIRST TIEM.

Last edited by Trixx.xii (2008-09-20 08:43:43)