[b]Bear[/b] Achi loevs me liek HELL moar than you bear.

Bear is jealous and mad.

Lulz. Achi, iLY.

Bear. Admit it hu was your top crush?

[b]Kapz[/b] Yeah he made the 1st list. OMG.

I was shocked. I thought we were the 1st on the list. too bad that uber lucky guy was on the top. Haha.

Kapz-- when will be the wedding? XD
[b]Cupcake[/b] Haloo ^.^ Pic comments sista.


[b]POp[/b] I really miss yah liek HELL.

[b]Aww~![/b] i wanna do something more kewl.

AMF. Showbuzzness.