[align=center]Hey to Rio & Juliene, it's a pleasure to have your acquaintance.
And 'hi' to the others and the strangers.
To all those who told me to read, follow, obey, lick, and whatnot the rules;
don't worry, i've already read more than half of it.
To all those who told me to keep safe,
thanks, do have a safe one too.
Answer from kiddy's statement:
Yes, it is, but the letters have been changed
to make it less obvious. ja.

(surprisingly, this is my normal look)[/align]
[align=center]Oh, and as for sWt's statement:
Yeah, sure you are...
here's my question; "[i]How sure are you that i really needed to know that, uh?[/i]"
Yeah, double posts tick me off.
