Some gifts for my special [b]FRIENDees[/b]
Who has a gift from me, myself & I?
[quote][b]Mai Bebe Chariz
Be-BestFriend Trixx
Coooo-kie Jerriee
Demonyo Bridget
Munch-kin Lovelee
Dhee Andrea
Ate Tinay
Ate Hanzel[/b][/quote]
-- Thanks for being a really nice [b]Bebe[/b]
Huwee. ILY so muchee. Mwa-hugs*
-- ILYSMBTUDEUM [b]Be-BestFriend[/b]
Thanks for everything. Mwa-hugs*
-- Huwee, mai [b]Coooo-kie[/b]
<3 Sweet* ILYmuchee. Mwa-hugs*
-- Mwa-mwa-mwa-hugs*
Thanks for everything [b]Phiiiiia <3[/b] ILY
-- Huwee, [b]Demonyo[/b]
Lols- ILY
Keep staying crazy
-- [b]Munch-kin[/b] ko
ILY!! Hope to know more&more about you. Mwa-hugs*
-- [b]Caaaan-Dheee <3[/b]
Shu sweeet* ILY. Mwa-hugs*
-- [b]Nelooooo[/b]
Givin' a gift to welcome you back. Heehee, Mwa-hugs*
-- [b]Blancheeeeeeeeee[/b]
IMY! Haven't noticed you here for a long time.
How are you? Fine, fine or Fine?
-- [b]Ate Tinay[/b]
Welcome to TS. Lab-lab yaww. Mwa-hugs*
-- [b]Ate Hanzel <3[/b] ILY&IMY poh
Thanks for everything. Mwa-hugs*
Wait for them to load, a'ight?