444 miles away poem...
[spoiler]444 Miles Away
By: Daixee mae
When I first saw you
I already knew
That you’re a blessing made from heaven
In ways that I couldn’t imagine
It was coup de foudre
But when we bid au revoir
That was a terrible dilemma
In my heart it was a denouement
Writing your pseudonym was my pastime
And before I slept tight at nighttime
I could think of our auld lang syne
You hugged me, I treasured it in my mind
Two months have already passed(sinulat ko to july,May 1 ang last naming pgkta)
Forgetting you is a must
Even if many keep saying “Past is past”
My feelings for you won’t die so fast
We didn’t have a more than friend relationship
All we had was a short but a good camaraderie
They say we had a good chemistry
But the future would be a mystery
My favorite number 8
Is now the digit that I hate
That thing that I dislike
Is the age gap between you and I
You’re 444 miles away from my place
That’s too far for me to chase
I’m still hoping and praying we could meet someday
Somewhere in the rendezvous when our two eyes first met[/spoiler]

haha!..hmm..lucky girl!..

yeah she is...
his gf is 18 yrs.old
im a certified kuia PJ stalker..

[quote=dess29]yoh.. easy 'nay..
don't be so dramatic..
that's okay..
we can't control our feelings..
so.. let it be..

i need to absorb this feelings fastly
so that i can detach it=|