Hello students

IMY all.

hahaha :]
Btw, i just wanna inform you all that..
i [b][color=red]kicked out[/color][/b] three students. :C
[b]reason : Not having more than 100 posts, and aside from that, they arent active. [/b]
@ to the Kicked out students:
Just please come back if you already have more than 100 posts.
I dont wanna break the rules here.

If you happen to have more than 100 posts, you can always

you're very welcome.

Sorry po.
Im gonna try to be a little strict starting now.
i wish i could.

Hihi. ILY all.

I just wanna make FU better.

tell me if you have any [b]Comments and Suggestions, even Problems[/b]
you can send me via PM or just post it here.
we'll try to discuss it.

// * edited

i forgot to post the names of the kicked out students.
Last edited by MiNEKOARCH (2008-11-21 05:57:42)