» PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
I'm just relaxing now cause I did not go to school.
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
this is my color today GRAY- having a boring time.
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
this is my color today GRAY- having a boring time.
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
[b][color=purple]green - just relaxing..[/b][/color] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/glasses14.gif[/img][/url]
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Like the poster above me, it's green (just relaxing)
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
[b]RED- happy because the person you love loves you back.[/b]
[b][align=center]o00ooh c0mE oN!!
dAtz noT TrUe..[/align][scroll][/b][color=#FF0000][hE d0ezn't luv mE aNym0re..[/color][/scroll]
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
» PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper