» PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
AQUA- hyper hyper.
my color today is aqua..
bec. em soo hyper,
and em soo moody todeii!
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
my color for today is BLUE.. not because my day was dull, but because it's my favorite color.
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
white my work attire consisted of a white polo, haha
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
[b]SILVER- thinking of someone..[/b]who's that someone? my prof!
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
[align=center] silver....cuz im thinking of my former "CLOSE FREND...."[/align]
[align=center]nah hindi q alam f nasa xia ngayon.....[/align]
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
Re: PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper
[b]Yellow -- addicted to candy MAGAZINE! Haha. && Silver -- But I don't know who..[/b]
» PURPLE- feeling a little lonely.
WHITE -having problems.
GREEN- just relaxing.
YELLOW- addicted to candy.
PINK- feeling so happy.
GRAY- having a boring time.
BLACK- craving for chocolate.
AQUA- hyper